My story...

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Hi~ My name is Michele! My blog started out being about Reiki, which is energy work, but has evolved into so much more than that. Yes I still do Reiki and it is just one tool that keeps me on my journey to my authentic happy self. Do we every really get to the point where we are finished working on ourselves....well that is a good question but for me the answer is no....I work every day on being the happiest I can possibly be....I remind myself to be thankful for this moment right blog is full on inspirational thoughts to help others on their journey to their authentic happy self! So read and enjoy and never stop working on can't change others but you can change yourself! Be blessed~

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Good Morning~I thought I would start with explaining a little bit about Reiki~

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a healing technique used for restoring mind, body & spirit. With Reiki, healing energy clears any blockages and can expand your consciousness to release long-held stress and pain.

Although Reiki is a hands-on form of healing, no manipulation of the body takes place, therefore, there is no risk of injury after treatment. It is also perfectly safe for the elderly and for babies and young children and pregnant ladies. I did Reiki on my daughter for the birth of both of my  granddaughters and no pain medication was needed!

Reiki calms. It reduces stress, and provides deep relaxation, comfort & peace.
Reiki offers relief during emotional distress and sorrow. Reiki helps in the grieving process. It cleans and clears the emotions from being so draining and offers perspective.
Reiki can help with pain management.

Reiki is safe to help with  symptoms of imbalance: chronic and acute conditions, stress related disorders, conditions related to sinus, menopause, migraine, cystitis, asthma, chronic fatigue, arthritis, back, sciatica, insomnia and depression -
Reiki speeds up recovery from surgery or long-term illness. As it tends to reduce side-effects, it helps in adjusting to medicine/treatment. For example, Chemo-therapy patients who received Reiki noticed a marked decrease in side effects from treatment.
Reiki is positive energy. It never causes harm to any living thing!

Reiki is recommended for ongoing health maintenance. It promotes strong health & prevents illness.

However, it should be clear by now: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SICK TO BENEFIT FROM REIKI.!!!!


  1. On another note I want my blog to be one of sharing....anything positive & healthy is welcome! As you can see by my profile picture I have embarked on a journey to "going gray" I am so close to being completely free of hair color...a trim on Saturday will probably do it! Yippee! I read other stories of this journey and it is amazing how similar we are! My journey has brought me to the best place I have ever been in my life...I am finally working on getting healthy and with healthy comes weight loss! This journey has brought me to the place to finally start my own Reiki has brought me new like-minded friends...I have found a great mentor who has helped me to start doing what I love to do...drawing~painting~writing! I never dreamed I would be blogging, heck I wasn't even sure what it meant yesterday but last night at 3:00am when I couldn't fall back to sleep I decided I was going to give it a try...and here I am! I have so much to share and not sure where to begin so I will just start with one blog at a time!

  2. I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” ― Marilyn Monroe

  3. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex. A chakra serves as a channel through which the universal life force energy flows. These 7 spinning vortexes of energy are located along the spine from the base to the crown. The stresses and tensions of daily living and thought patterns can create blocks or imbalances in one or more of the chakras. These blockages or imbalances can manifest in the body as disease, discomfort, lack of energy, or an emotional imbalance. Reiki can help to release these blockages and maintain a balanced energy flow.

  4. "The most beautiful people we have know are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." - Elizabeth Kubler Ros

  5. Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction, relaxation, and to promote healing and balance in the body’s chakras. It is a safe and holistic method that can treat the mind, body, and spirit. Rei (pronounced “ray”) means Universal Spirit or Essence. Ki (pronounced “key”) means Life Energy, Light, or Chi. Therefore, Reiki means the Universal Spirit of Life or Universal Life Force Energy.

  6. Positive affirmations and positive thinking techniques can help develop a powerful and positive attitude to life; which is an essential element in life success and good health. With this power you can turn failure around into success and take success and drive it to a whole new level. Your positive attitude is the fuel for your success. Positive affirmations can be life changing...give this a try...pick a positive affirmation and post it in a place where you will see it several times a day...your bathroom mirror...your refrigerator ...your car mirror you get the pick an affirmation that it something that you need a little help with here is an example of one of my favorites..."I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself" another is "I bless my bills with love and I pay them on time" Now just give it a try it truly can change your life! If you need any ideas just let me know! Blessings to all!

  7. Please feel free to share and positive stories or Reiki experiences here! Something the world needs now maybe more than ever is for us to lift ourselves up in any way we can~maybe we can't change the world but we can change how we feel about it! I try to just focus on my little place here in the world, if I keep myself happy and positive it just makes life so much more fun!


  8. Well here it is the end of another week! It has been a great week and I am blessed! I am thankful for all that I have in my life! I send light and love to all of my friends and family! Look for the good in everything and you will find it!


  9. Not everything is meant to be...but everything is worth a try!

  10. Positive Affirmations developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want. At a personal level it will transform your life, your health and renew the joy and passion for life. Imagine waking up each morning, bursting with excitement, energy and joy for the new day! It really is that powerful...

  11. The purpose of meditation is to awaken in us the skylike nature of mind, and to introduce us to that which we really are, our unchanging pure awareness that underlies the whole of life and death. In the stillness and silence of meditation, we glimpse and return to that deep inner nature that we so long ago lost sight of amid the busyness and distraction of our minds." - Sogyal Rinpoche

  12. Research has clearly shown that Journaling has the power to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system as well as these benefits!

    ~feeling better about life
    ~being more optimistic about the near future
    ~feeling more inclined to help others with personal problems
    ~more inclined to exercise
    ~improved health

    There are so many different things we can do to improve our outlook on life, Reiki is just one of the many tools that we can do for ourselves to create a happy and healthy life! Journaling is another one of the things that is so beneficial to us. Next time your out pick up a journal or just any notebook will work...find a pen that you love to write with...I like to make mine everyday just spend 15-20 minutes writing down your thoughts..write anything that comes to mind remember this is just for your eyes only! Give it a try and you will find yourself on a path of self discovery...a path to a more balanced..happier life! Just one day at a time!


  13. Good Morning~

    It's Tuesday...what a great day! We spend so much time dreading the days of the week...We dread Mondays...back to work....Tuesday ugh just another work day...Wednesday finally the week is almost over...Thursday ugh will this week ever end...then its finally Friday Yea for one brief moment you feel excited....then Saturday and Sunday come and we run around all weekend and Sunday gets here and we say "Ugh tomorrow is Monday and back to work". I wonder how much better we would feel if we just enjoyed every single day of the week~get up everyday and say "Yea its is a great day~I guarantee it will start to change how you feel each and every day! You will feel will smile will feel less stress! People will bother you less because you will be saying "it's a great day! Go ahead give it a try! Just enjoy today! Live in the moment and start creating a happier less stressed life!


  14. Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction, relaxation, and to promote healing and balance in the body’s chakras. It is a safe and holistic method that can treat the mind, body, and spirit. Rei (pronounced “ray”) means Universal Spirit or Essence. Ki (pronounced “key”) means Life Energy, Light, or Chi. Therefore, Reiki means the Universal Spirit of Life or Universal Life Force Energy.

  15. Reiki is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If ones life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick and feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy!

  16. When I believe in myself, so do others
    I express my needs and feelings
    I am my own unique self - special, creative and wonderful....try these for positive self talk~

  17. Sound psychological techniques, your own personal power and your connection to the universe can create an awesome combination to manifest any change into your life. There are no limits. Just go for it... prove it for yourself....The perfect way to end your day....drift off to sleep knowing that you are in charge of your life....



  18. Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what!♥

  19. Reiki accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional ailments by balancing the body’s energies. It loosens up blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation and overall well-being. Reiki is just one of the many means to creating the life you want...less stress and a more positive outlook on life...just doing one thing is not enough it has to be a whole attitude transformation. You have to start by paying attention to your thoughts and when you find yourself thinking a negative thought about co-worker...a family member...your job...they sneak up on us and pop into out head...but you can turn it all around by just paying attention and then replace it with a positive thought! So tomorrow when you start your day start it out with something to make you smile and practice doing that all day long...and just maybe you will have a better day!


  20. Trust life to hear and respond to your positive words. Say these affirmations every day and your whole world will change for the better!

  21. Wake up all the desire and pleasure that your body is capable of experiencing, let your past go, and follow your bliss just for the health of it!

  22. My blog is about Reiki which is just one of the many different things we can do to enrich and improve so many aspects about our lives but it is about so much more! Everyday we get up and we have a choice to make today a great day! We have the choice to be happy and to be less stressed! We have the choice to make healthy choices with out diet! We have a choice to take care of this one body we are born with! We have a choice to get up and move! As I left the doctors office yesterday I asked myself "why did I spend so many years not taking care of me"? I lay in bed most of the night replaying in my mind all of the things the surgeon said to me...things like this is the fight for my life....and this is comparable to having cancer...the life or death kind....this isn't like taking a walk its like hiking up a 15,000 ft. mountain! At first I felt fear...its a huge surgery and there is a chance I won't make it....there are many risks more than with most surgeries....and I wonder why I let my health come to this? Yes some of it wasn't really my doing...the uterine cancer that caused a huge part of my problems...or spending 1 year on a huge dose of predisone...but there was many things I could have done making better food choices...exercising more....helping to manage my stress with meditation...reiki or yoga! But it is not to late for me or for you! I remind myself this is a fight for my life and I am taking control of my life one step and one day at a time! Look at your life and make the changes you need to make NOW....don't wait until you are forced to do it! Put yourself on top of your list of things to do....take care of you...because when it comes down to it "you" are the only person you are responsible for and if you don't take care of you it won't get done!


  23. Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body and soul....

  24. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should & let go of what you can't change!

    Enjoy this day!


  25. Meditate.
    Live purely. Be quiet.
    Do your work with mastery.
    Like the moon, come out
    from behind the clouds!


  26. Some people are going to be rude and negative no matter what. FOCUS on you and don't let them bring you down. It can be easier said then done but your mind is stronger then their behavior. ♥

    It's funny when I need a positive thought I always get the right one, the one I need at that moment! I do most of my thinking at night either right before I go to bed or when I can't sleep...last night as I was laying there I wondered why do we let other people's negative comments get so deep into our hearts? It doesn't make any sense and the people that hurt us the most are usually someone who is close to our heart to start with! I ask myself why....why do people say mean things...or just be so hateful in general? I never really come up with a good answer....but today I have decided to say "NO MORE"! No more will I let anyone make me sad or hurt me....there may be a moment of hurt but I will not let it into my head or my heart! I read somewhere another quote "Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right" I choose HAPPY!

  27. Repeat after me...
    Today, I face the challenges of my life with a cool, calm and collected smile and a positive attitude. Bring it on baby! Oh Yeah! Let's make it a GREAT day!! :)

  28. People too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours.

  29. The past is over and done and cannot be changed. This is the only moment we can experience.

    Be mindful of your thoughts everyday....when a thought comes into your mind about something that happened in the past...even just yesterday...replace it with a positive thought...pick one that works for you! My favorite is "I choose Love"...sometimes we run things over and over thru our mind and we become more and more upset but when your mind starts this process just keep replaying your is just one more tool to create the life you want!


  30. At the center of your being you have the answer,
    you know who you are
    and you know what you want

    Lao Tzu

  31. Going against the grain of our society is not an easy challenge. I learned this first hand when I began my "journey to gray"...gray hair that is for those of you who don't know me. It has been almost 1 year since my journey began and it is never easy to put yourself out there and do something different....but that is exactly what we all need to making this one small has changed who I am and my life! I have met amazing women all over the world....women who have each in there own way given me something that I needed for my life journey...I am not saying everyone should let their hair go natural....what I am saying is by stepping outside of the box we are trained to live in there is a whole big world out just making small changes in our life we can change the heart at a time! Look for the good in people and you will find it! Spend what money you can...this will help our economy! Be kind to everyone you meet and the wold will be a better place....the change has to start from within....pick the one thing you can change in your life and this will start the snowball effect...try it and see what happens!


  32. Energy is directed by intention.
    The energy that is directed is a natural part of our inherent essence already, but at a higher "frequency" or "vibration" so it affects our own by also elevating it, enhancing the ability to heal and balance.
    The limits to what we can do are ours to discover. The more we are open to allowing for endless possibilities, the more we find that to be true.
    Love, gratitude and humility strengthen this connection.
    Understanding that healing for others is a direct result of the recipient's openness and ability to receive the energy, rather than the healer "doing something to them" is also important.
    We are all connected by this ONE energy, our collective consciousness - intentions, thoughts, and emotions - create our reality. This creation via intention and manifestation by expectation of results is Spirit energy. Not separate from us, doing something, but a part of the endless and limitless energy of life that we are and create. This means that WE are, collectively, God/Spirit/Source.

  33. Just for today, I will not be angry.

    Anger at others or oneself or at the whole world, creates serious blockages in one's energy. It is the most complex inner enemy.

    Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages which have accumulated in the body over years, but it cannot remove the residue of current anger which occurs daily.

    Letting go of anger. brings Piece into the Mind.

  34. Just for today, I will not worry.

    While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with future ones. Although worry is not always a negative phenomena, endless worries may fill one's head, and each one bores a small hole in one's body and soul. While anger requires a focused Reiki treatment to remove obstacles, worry requires the energy to be spread throughout the entire body.

    Letting go of worry, brings healing into the Body.

  35. Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

    Support yourself and your family respectably, without harming others. Earn a respectable living, live a life of honor.

    Working Honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.

  36. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

    Honor your parents, honor your teachers, honor your elders.

    Being Kind brings Love into the Will.

  37. Today reflect on all that you have in your life! We go thru our days running and doing all the things we think we have to do...but just for today sit quietly and really reflect on what you have....reflect on your life and be grateful for just being you!


  38. Good Monday~
    Happy Halloween to all! Here it is the beginning of another great is your day or week going to be? The choice is yours~if you haven't started your new morning routine of sitting quietly for a few minutes...having a cup of tea or coffee...get your journal and just write whatever comes to mind and always end with something or a few somethings you are grateful for! Being grateful for our blessings brings so much joy to your life...focus on the good!


  39. It seems like lately I haven't been sleeping the best but instead of worrying about money or life in general I have decided to use this time looking for ways to make my life more positive! I know it seems to most people that know me that I am the most positive person they know and that may be true....but being this positive person takes effort on my part. Yes anyone can turn a negative attitude into a positive one it really isn't that difficult and it is the best thing you can do for your life. Yes you will have bad moments but if you work at it you will not have bad days or weeks! It is just like leading a healthy lifestyle...I have been doing great at it for 4 months....then Friday I wasn't prepared and didn't have a healthy snack with me and guess what I ate a doughnut...then I ate a cheeseburger....then exhausted at 10:00 at night I ate 3 pieces of the best greasy pizza there is! I could have let this ruin my healthy lifestyle plan but I made the conscious decision to not....I have worked hard at getting healthy and I like how it feels! So I am back on track just like that....just by being in control of my thoughts! Leading a life with a positive attitude is exactly the same...just change your mind when you are feeling angry...anxious...stressed or any other feeling that doesn't make you feel good! Look for only good thoughts and push the rest out of your mind! My husband has to laugh at me when he sees my post it notes all over the house with positive affirmations on them....I even put one in his lunch box this week to make his days at work better! Just Google positive affirmations and you will find tons of them and grab a post it note and put it somewhere you will see it often...I have 4 in my don't even have to read it out loud just read it! Once again we can change the world one attitude at a time!


  40. Trust life to hear and respond to your positive words. Use affirmations every day and your whole world will change for the better~


  41. How often do you think to yourself that you hate your life? It seems for many people it is often...well maybe hate is a strong word but just aren't enjoying their life might be more accurate. You hear people say it all the time "I hate my life" if you hate your life now is the time to take steps to make don't have to leave or stop doing all the things you need to do don't have to leave your spouse or quit your job...all you need to do is start making changes in your day! They don't have to be huge's the small ones that make all the difference in the world. Start by only doing things for others that you really want to is ok to say "NO"...when you are asked to help out with or anywhere you usually say yes when asked to help with a benefit or whatever it is you do...just say "I'm sorry but I'm not going to be able to help out this time" there is no shame in it! No excuse is necessary! We spend so much time keeping ourselves so busy that we forget to take care of ourselves. We forget to laugh, relax and just do nothing! Sometimes that's all it takes to get on the right track to loving your life! Remember that "Life Loves You" and it's time to say "I love my life"~ So today just pick one thing and start the domino effect to a happier...less stressed life!


  42. A New Day, A New Beginning ♥

    As I was talking to a gentleman yesterday who told me he would be 63 very soon I realized another change that we, as a whole, need to work on! As we chatted about life, I asked him how work was...he went on to tell me that after 25 years of service with the company he was working for he was treated like dirt appreciation for 25 years of hard work....being to work on time....not missing much work at all...he said the company was urging him to retire or just quit...they just want him gone...the reason is because he made to much money...had to much vacation time....they want to replace all the older employees with 19 year old's who they could pay minimum wage or maybe slightly higher with no or very little vacation time! This is a conversation that we hear often...why in our great country do we not appreciate and respect our aging citizens? Is there something we can do to improve this....well I don't know the answer to that but one thing we can do is to start in our own lives with the people we come in contact with every day....there are people we work with that are getting older and close to retirement age but for whatever reason are choosing to work kind and respect these people....let them know you value the knowledge they have to offer...let them share the experience they have with our younger generations! We should be kind to everyone we meet but lets all start taking the time to let our employers know that our older work force is valuable....they have much to contribute to our society and work place! Lets start a trend...and just maybe on person at a time we can make a difference!


  43. Is Your Heart Chakra Balanced?

    Balanced characteristics include being caring, compassionate, accepting, self-loving, peaceful, content, and centered.

    Imbalanced characteristics include codependency, being a people pleaser, having poor boundaries, feeling lonely, having the fear of intimacy, and jealousy.

  44. Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you stepped outside of the box? Have you ever even thought about it?

    We live our lives doing what we have watched our parents or other role models do and we think we have no choice but to do what they did. That thinking is the furthest thing from the truth. Just think of all the things we do every day that make us unhappy but it is what we have always's what our parents did so it has to be the right way to do it.

    Whatever "it" is that you do because you think that is how it should be done is the time to re-think it! The world is in such a state that we have to start doing things to make us happy....if we are happy life is good!

    There are so many thoughts that we also get from our parents that they got from their parents before them and so on and "money doesn't grow on trees" or "if you put yourself first you are being selfish"

    It is time to be who you want to be and do what makes you happy! Change your thinking and change your life! Money may not grow on trees but the Universe will always provide if you just ask...believe and receive!


  45. What you set your sights upon, with clear intention, is what you steer toward.

  46. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
    Mark Twain

  47. I love this quote by Mark Twain! That is how, up until now, I have spent my life. I always worried about what other people would think of me if I was too successful at anything...I was the one holding myself back not them! I don't think it was just an excuse it is how I really felt deep down in my soul. Some may not understand this and some might totally daughter calls it "dumbing yourself down"...but something inside of me has changed thru this who process of letting my hair go natural...I've changed! It is a change for the good...and a change for life! I am going to be the best me that I can be everyday for the rest of my life...I am doing all the things that I have always loved and wanted to do! Look inside of yourself...I will be 48 here very soon and I still have so much living to live....actually I am the best I have ever been and it is only going to get better...look inside and make the changes that you have held back for fear of what others might or might not say! We only have one life so live it to the fullest....learn all you came here to learn!


  48. "Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having."

  49. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

    Honor your parents, honor your teachers, honor your elders.

    Being Kind brings Love into the Will.

  50. It seems like everyday I see something that sparks me to write about it on my blog....and today is no I lay in bed this morning at 5:30 as my husband is getting ready to go to work.... yes on a Saturday...that is a blog for another day....I flip thru the channels and see so many commercials for prescription drugs...and I ask myself "what is going on?" you listen to all of the side effects and I wonder why we do this to the time we are in our 60's & 70's many people like my Father are taking well above 10 prescription medications! When you listen to them go down the list of side effects most have death as a possibility...once again I have to say I don't understand!

    I ask myself how can we change this and I don't know if there is a solid answer to this problem but this is just one more reason to start making changes in your life...start today to look for health....start today working on your own body one thing at a time....yes I know first hand it is not easy to make lifestyle changes with your diet and exercising but we really have no choice!

    It all can start with just one small change...just try adding 1 fresh fruit and 1 vegetable to your diet everyday....sounds simple and it is but it does require thought and preparation but in the end it is a change that you have to make....and before you know it you will be wanting to add more and more healthy changes to your diet and your life!

    We have just one body~make today the day you start taking care of matter your matter your health!


  51. "Within each of us is a hidden store of energy. Energy we can release to compete in the marathon of life. Within each of us is a hidden store of courage, courage to give us the strength to face any challenge. Within each of us is a hidden store of determination. Determination to keep us in the race when all seems lost."
    Roger Dawson

  52. Not always perfect~but always happy!

    Do you every wonder when life is going to give you a break? Do you ask yourself "why me"? I think we all have moments like these in our lives when we wonder why things go so wrong in our lives or why isn't my health better I am always sick...but I think that's life! Life is always going to have its ups and downs regardless of what we think or do...

    When life gives us a challenge we always have the choice to take the happy always put your smile first. When you are down be the one to pick yourself up...look for the good and you will find it in every situation...make it a game, that always helps....this thinking has pulled me thru more bad situations than I care to remember but something else to remember is that every thing that happens in your life is guiding you to learn and grow! If every time you come across a challenge ask yourself...what can I learn from this really does take your mind from your problem because you are looking..not for a solution but for...but for a lesson! You may never really figure out what that lesson is but in time it will help you grow!

    So from this moment on live your life with this in mantra about life....Not always perfect~but always Happy....and see if your tough times don't seem just a little bit easier!


  53. I was thinking that I have been talking so much about being happy and making changes in your life I forget to mention about Reiki...Reiki is just another tool you can use to bring more happiness and joy into your life. Happy is a word that resonates to me...if you remind yourself to just be happy...everything else will just fall into place! Reiki can bring balance and less stress into your is calming and helps your body to relax and brings balance back to your energy system! If you are less stressed you are find ways to bring calm and peace into your life and if you have the time....schedule a Reiki session! You will be happy you did!


  54. The holidays are just around the corner....start today and find little things in your life to be thankful for...start a gratitude journal!

    Everyday start your day be listing as many things you can think of that you are thankful for in your life! Let the list grow and be a reminder that life is precious! Think of all the petty things we get upset about everyday...yes they are always going to be there but don't let them control your life! Don't let life's little stuff waste a precious moment of your life!

    Lets start that awesome holiday feeling right now....and try to share that love all year not just at the holidays!


  55. I rarely watch the news but my husband likes to watch the weather each morning so as I lay there and listen it makes me wonder...why...why are we driven by the bad news? Some people are consumed by the news they watch it all the time....I have nothing against the news but for me it just stirs worry, yesterday the upcoming story was how expensive gas will be next year...I got up and left the room...I choose to live in the present moment and worry and fear are no longer a part of my life...yes sometimes they try to creep in but I just stand up to my thoughts and say "no room for worry or fear here". They rarely have any fun/happy stories it usually is gloom and doom! I for one don't need gloom or doom in my life...I figure if anything to exciting happens my dad will let me know...he is one of those constant news watchers! Wouldn't it be nice if we had a channel of only positive upbeat stories? Now that is a channel that I could enjoy!

    So that is what brings me back to my you can find positive upbeat stories...

    Start something new today....turn off the news! Turn off the news and find something positive to read or listen to...or just enjoy the silence! This is another small step to living your most authentic happy life!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  56. Things just pop into my thoughts sometimes and I feel the need to share...the 1960 Disney movie...Pollyanna is a movie that everyone should watch...this is where I learned to play the "Glad Game" you should watch the movie and play the game everyday of your life! When you play the glad find something to be glad about in every situation in life!

    It is a reminder that we have choices when it comes to our thoughts...

    Get the movie and watch will feel uplifted and hopeful at the end! It is one of my favorite it and share it with your kids! Or better yet make it a Christmas present so you can watch it whenever you need lifting up!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  57. Sending you Lots of L♥ve & Light in Your Awesome Day!
    (¯`••´¯) █▄ΟƔΞ♥♥♥.¸¸.•*`*•.✽
    ♥ █▄ΟƔΞ ♥ îȿ ♥ ȶϞξ ♥ κξƳ ♥.¸¸.•*`*•.✽

  58. Well I have found a new place to think...walking on the treadmill...which I would like to add is helping me sleep! So today as I was walking I thought "Family" would be a good topic with the holidays right around the corner!

    The family dynamics play such an important part in how your family gets along...but the bottom line is there is nothing better than family! Every family has its issues....its ups and downs....and believe me when I say my family is no exception! Coming from a large family well I couldn't imagine not having them! We may not talk everyday or see each other but a few times a year but if there is a crisis we are united!

    Let this holiday season be the season where you find peace! Let this holiday season be a new beginning for everyone! And if you have a family that never has an issue....well good for you!

    If we all just step back and realize that each person has different ideas and feelings....and just let them say what they think and feel without reacting I guarantee everyone will walk away happy! I am as guilty as the next when it comes to thinking my opinion and my thoughts are the only ones that matter...but the next time you get into a discussion with a family member or someone else....before you react ask yourself...."Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy?"

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  59. When you slow down, step back a moment and put
    things in perspective, you can then move on with
    more efficiency. It only takes a moment to adapt
    and control how you respond.

    Start today by paying attention to what's going on in your life...enjoy every moment! Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings...learn to feel the things that stress you out and work on finding ways to make changes!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  60. Now that I have started to make changes in my life to improve my health I have been thinking a lot about habits...

    Habits are things we do without really thinking about it or why we do it....for me eating has always been more of a habit not something I do to nourish my body! Breaking a habit is not always easy...actually it is down right hard! I find myself doing so great with my food choices and then in a blink of an eye I slip back into my old habits!

    The old me would just say "oh well" and continue to fall back into my same old bad habits when it comes to is what I have done for so many years...but not the new me! Yes I still might have a slip up every now and then but I am in control of my life and my thoughts and I just stand up to that bad habit and say "I am in control of my life and my thoughts and I choose to make healthy food choices"

    Not to say I will never again slip up but I know for sure it won't last long! So pay attention to the things in your life that you do out of habit and decide if maybe it's time to make some changes! It may not be easy to change some of the habits in your might not even know why you do some of the things you just it because it's what everyone else does or because your parents did it....but now is the time to examine your life and decide if maybe you have some habits that need to be changed!

    Be blessed~

  61. Laying in bed last night before I fell came to me that I should change the name of my blog...Reiki is still my driving force and will be a big part of my blog because it is so important on the journey to your authentic happy is one of the many tools I want to share with as many people as I can...but there is so much more! There was a post on FB from a friend...the question was "How would you describe your life in 6 words?" After thinking about it for a came to I would sum up my life is "Not always perfect...But always Happy" so now you know where the name of my blog came from! I want my blog to be a place where people can come and find positive uplifting motivation! I want it to be a place to make people smile and feel good! I want to share all that I have learned on my journey to my authentic happy self! So please follow my will make you feel good!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  62. Today is a bit chilly but today is a perfect day to do something nice for yourself! Even the smallest of things is beneficial to your over all well being! So on this chilly day put yourself first even if you only have 5 minutes to do something for it!

    You don't need to leave your house or spend any money....just take 5 for yourself! It is a small step to taking care of you!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  63. I have decided that life is what you make of it! Everyday we go thru the motions and sometimes we feel like we just exist and what's the point...right? have you ever felt like that? Well I know I have and I don't like to feel like what can you do to fix that?

    Well there is so much you can do...not to say you aren't ever going to have a bad day again because you will but instead of letting it get you down and snowball into something worse...start now and make some simple changes...some changes that will change your life and how you feel about it!

    Here is an example every morning my husband as he was getting ready for work would jokingly say "I don't wanna go" it was just something funny that he did...but he really meant it he works a lot of hours and really doesn't want to be there well today he says to me have you noticed I haven't been saying it....I knew exactly what he was talking I will share how this change in what he was thinking has changed other things...he is a supervisor and his work got them all nice new work shirts and a nice winter coat...he never comes home stressed and complaining anymore...he actually is kind of enjoying going to work!

    Yes I share with him all of my positive thinking ideas but he never really said I am going to try this...a couple of weeks ago I put a post it note with this affirmation in his lunch "I love my is the perfect job for me right now" isn't it interesting the things that have changed by just seeing that note everyday stuck inside of his lunch box...I pack his lunch everyday and it is still sticking in there!

    This process really does change your is the Law of Attraction and it works every time! You have to change you thinking to change your life!

    Let today be that day for you!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  64. Today is Sunday....for me it is a day of rest....a day to spend with my kids and grandbabies!

    Whatever you choose to do on this day enjoy it and be thankful! Take a few minutes to be quiet and reflect on the week that is ending and the week that will begin...make a list of all the things you are thankful for either in your head or write them down...either way it will brighten your day when you remind yourself of how blessed you really are!

    Take time to breathe and take the focus off of all the things you have to do...if you have to work all week remind yourself to be thankful you have a job to go to!

    These are a few more changes you can do in your life on the journey to your happy authentic self!

    Be blessed~

  65. Yesterday I was watching Wayne Dyer on was live and his lecture was Excuses: Be gone! I have this book and have had it for several months but haven't started reading it yet. I love Wayne Dyer he is so inspirational...but I only watch a few minutes and recorded it for later when I really have time to sit and listen by myself!

    As I was listening to him it made me think of all the excuses we use everyday to avoid doing the things we really need to do for ourselves...I am no exception! But then he told a story of a young man who was badly burned as a 2 year old in a horrible accident in his own garage...he spilled a can of gasoline and this caused a huge explosion...he survived but was burned over 75-80% of his body! His mother was right outside in the was just a freak accident....but then he went on to tell this little boys story...he lost both his hands and toes and had 80 plus surgeries over his little life....but guess what...he survived and not only did he survive he went on to be a famous drummer! Imagine being a drummer without hands....but he found a way! His attitude and determination was awesome and inspiring! He was a young man who could have made so many excuses to not do so many things but he made the choice to live this one life and live it to the fullest!

    This young man was so determined to live and enjoy his life even with what most of us would consider obstacles...but he made no excuses and he excelled in all that he did....could you imagine having his motivation! He looked at surviving this as a gift from God not a burden!

    Most of us think everyday that we have obstacles to overcome but do we really? It is all in how you think about life....

    So today choose to make changes in how you might be surprised at what happens in your own life!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  66. I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life~

  67. I just want to have a life full of passion. To be full of love and courage and inspiration. I want my life to challenge me, I want to struggle and then overcome. But most important, I want you to be part of my story. The more people I can impact in a positive way, the more my life becomes enriched. All I ever want to do is to make a positive impact.....simple!

  68. Today is just another day to most of us but it is also my Dad's birthday and we are thankful he is still with us...he hopes to make it to the Smuckers jar! For those of you who don't know that means he lives to be 100!

    But it also is the day a great man and the President of the United States was shot....I was 6 days old but my Dad shares the story with me every makes me wonder why? Why do people do things like this to each other? I guess it is just life and sometimes bad things happen...

    I don't really completely buy that but it is as good a reason as any I is also Thanksgiving this lets take a moment to be sad for all the bad things that happen in life...but only a moment! Instead start today with focusing on all the good things that happen everyday...every moment!

    Maybe...just maybe...if we all start focusing on the good and being thankful for all that is going good in the will make a difference! Remember while you are enjoying all the great food that comes with the holidays...remember to say Thank You...and really mean it! Everyday remember to be thankful for each day that you many lives are cut short for so many different reasons so don't wait until someone dies or something bad happens be happy and thankful right now! One thing I have learned with all my health issues is....don't waste one single moment of life being angry or unhappy or sad or jealous or any of those other yucky feelings...yes they will come can't stop that...but don't give them power...don't let them control your life!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  69. Here it is the night before Thanksgiving....the holiday season is upon us...ready or not!

    This past year has been a year of change for me and I have a feeling the change is just put my feelings down into words is almost impossible....but I am going to give it a try as with the holiday season coming I am feeling more happy and blessed than usual! I know you might be thinking how could that be possible but it is true....something inside of me has changed and I feel amazing...nothing can keep me down for to long...yes I still worry about money just like before and I still have crazy family stuff just like before....but I have made the conscious decision to say NO more will I let life get me down no more will I waste my time here worrying about things that are not in my control! I am just done with that way of thinking!

    And yes it is as simple as that! I am sending love and light and Thanksgiving wishes to all of you and to my other friends who aren't celebrating our holidays....I still send you love and light!

    Life is grand....have a ball!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  70. Be thankful today and everyday! Practice an attitude of gratitude~

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  71. Here it is the day after the holiday and it was a good day...everyone enjoyed the daughter said it was "my best" cooking so far...I am not sure what made the difference but maybe it is just my overall personal changes that I have been new attitude..maybe it is just my outlook on life and all the love that was put into the Thanksgiving feast?

    I wouldn't say there wasn't love in all of my other holiday meals but this year things are different...not something that you can really put your finger on...and to the rest of the world they may not even notice the changes in me...well maybe in my hair color but not the most important changes of all...the ones on the inside!

    By just slightly shifting how I world has changed...all to the good of course!
    I have gone from just being positive with a smile on my face to total and complete contentment....not in my life but in my soul!

    So the question is...after all of these 28 years I have been cooking my Thanksgiving dinner the same way...why this year is it my personal best? I know the answer...without a doubt...whether others believe it or not my question to you is "why not" why not just give it a try and see how it works for you??

    Shine on~

  72. What is it in your life that causes you stress?

    So now your it the list could go on and on and it might not be just one thing maybe it is a whole lot of little things?

    Stress will probably never really completely leave your life but there are ways to take control of your level of stress. I don't have all the answers but I do have some ideas to share.

    ~get organized
    ~change how you think
    ~walk away from the situation
    ~count to 10 or how ever high you have to go
    ~take time for you everyday

    So there you have it....some ideas to help relieve your stress...say money is a source of stress to you, well should I say a lack of money...the best thing you can do is stay your bills and handle accordingly...if you don't have the money make the phone call and see what you can do to make will find peace in knowing what is coming! When it comes to money we worry and worry and get more and more stressed but that does no good. Find a positive affirmation that you can say when you are feeling particularly stressed about money....try this one....I bless my bills with love and I pay them on time! It will make a difference if you just do it and believe!

    Money is just example of one thing that causes stress you can use similar ideas with whatever it is that gets to you!

    Keeping your stress under control can change so much about your life....especially your health!

    So find your one thing and start working on it now....knowing what it is and taking action is the first step!

    Shine on~

  73. Every thought you think every word you say is an affirmation All of our self-talk or inner dialogue is a stream of affirmations. We are continually affirming subconsciously with our words and thoughts and this flow of affirmations is creating our life experience in every moment. Our beliefs are just learned thought patterns that we have developed since childhood, many of these work well for us, but others may now be working against us, they are dysfunctional and may be sabotaging us from achieving what we believe we want. Every affirmation we think or say is a reflection of our inner truth or beliefs. It is important to realize that many of these "inner truths" may not actually be true for us now or may be based on invalid or inappropriate impressions we constructed as children, which if examined as an adult can be exposed as inappropriate.

    Shine on~

  74. ☆´¯) .¸¸☆*
    (¸.´☆ « THE POWER OF 'ONE'..

    One SONG..... can spark a moment
    One FLOWER..... can wake the dream
    ... One TREE..... can start a forest
    One BIRD..... can herald spring
    One SMILE..... begins a friendship
    One HANDCLASP..... lifts a soul
    One STAR .....can guide a ship at sea
    One WORD..... can frame the goal
    One VOTE..... can change a nation
    One SUNBEAM..... lights a room
    One CANDLE..... wipes out darkness
    One LAUGH..... will conquer gloom
    One STEP..... must start each journey
    One WORD..... must start a prayer
    One HOPE..... will raise our spirits
    One TOUCH..... can show you care
    One VOICE..... can speak with wisdom
    One HEART..... can know what is true
    One LIFE..... can make a difference

  75. As my husband was flipping thru the channels I noticed most of the holiday commercials where about eating....and how that would make your holiday perfect....hmmmm...I got to thinking how that really is one of the things I have always looked forward to...was eating for the holidays...eating lots of could go on and on!

    Then it hit me that is another change I need to make in my thoughts...funny how we are almost programmed to do what we have always done whether is is good for us or not!

    So this is the year of change for me so this is another change I am going to make....instead of looking forward to eating this holiday season I am going to pamper myself everyday...instead of baking I will meditate...or do my nails...or go for a walk...or get a massage...I could go on and on of the list of wonderful things we can do for ourselves is endless! And most of them can be free!

    I also think I am going to do things for version of pay it forward! I am going to take my focus off of eating and put it somewhere that will help me to continue on my journey to my authentic happy self!

    It really is so easy to change your life but it starts with just paying attention to your thoughts....then if whatever you are thinking really doesn't serve you well and isn't for your highest something different!

    Shine on~

  76. Reiki accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional ailments by balancing the body’s energies. It loosens up blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation and overall well-being.

    What is a Reiki session like?

    You are encouraged to dress comfortably and avoid drinking caffeine a least one hour prior to your Reiki session. Upon arriving for your treatment, you will be asked to remove your shoes and any jewelry or belts. You will remain clothed for the entire session. As you lay on your back I will place my hands in a series of hand positions. What one experiences during a Reiki treatment varies from person to person. Feelings of deep relaxation and peace of mind are usually experienced by all. Many people have expressed a feeling of warmth or glowing radiance that flows through and around them. Some clients even drift off to sleep. At the end of the treatment you should feel refreshed with a more positive and balanced outlook.

    Shine on~

  77. Now more than ever we need to come together in kindness towards each other...not because the holiday season is upon us but because it is the right thing to do! It is what our world needs now!

    Everyday when you wake up the first thing you should do is to say Thank you for this you walk in the bathroom look in the mirror and remind yourself how wonderful you are....tell yourself all the kind things you want and need to hear....let them come from you...don't look for them to come from someone else!

    If you do these things everyday it will be easier to be kind to others! Be kind to yourself and it will cause a domino life will change!

    Shine on~

  78. Did you know that everything you have achieved so far in life is a result of asking for it? It might be hard to understand but it's true. Just think back to all the times you sat there worrying and saying to yourself; "Boy I sure hope I don't get a flat tire on my way to my work this morning." or "I just know it's going to rain for Saturday's picnic." Whatever it was the things you focused on started happening. It happens all the time we just don't really pay attention or put it together. In short we attract what we think make the decision to add positive affirmations into your daily life and routine and start attracting the life you want...the life you think is out of your reach!

    Shine on~

  79. How do you handle change? Do you kick and scream the whole time or do you just go with the flow?

    Some changes are easy and just what we want and need but others not so much...we are such creatures of habit that sometimes a simple change in plans can ruin your whole day...I have to admit I am one of those people who don't deal well with change...I don't necessarily kick and scream but I can cop an attitude pretty quickly....

    But lately that is another one of those things that I am working on...I am learning to be doesn't come easily but I have learned that change is sometimes just what I need.

    Just start with the small stuff...if your evening plans are cancelled or changed instead of getting upset and pouting all evening....look in the mirror and say to I can just relax and enjoy some quiet time! Sometimes something this simple can ruin your day but don't let it....take control of your thoughts!

    Its kinda like...don't sweat the small stuff....learn to bend and be flexible and watch the stress just melt away!

    Shine on~

  80. Happy thoughts or positive thoughts are very important. There is power in our thoughts and we can shape our lives through them. We always say and think that we would like our lives to be like this or like that. Once we know what we want we can follow the path much easier. We are given the means to become what we want to become, it´s just that sometimes it is a bit difficult for us to see this. If you are true to yourself you can accomplish a lot.

    Shine one~

  81. Today as I was driving home I decided to take a different route and not really on purpose but I ended up on the road I lived in when my kids were little and I was married....I pointed it out to my little granddaughter and told her that is where I lived when my babies were she is only 4 so she was excited...she gets excited about everything.....

    But as I drove down that road it was like slipping back into my past....for a brief moment I felt a little sad...but then I decided only to focus on my good memories of those years because no matter how a relationship ends....there are good memories!

    Instead of remembering all the bad times in a relationship choose to only remember the good ones they are memories of your life and deserve to be acknowledged just for what they can do this with any time in your life...when you were a child..or married...or a job....the list can go on and on!

    No matter how bad things have been in your life there is always something good to focus on...if we put our energy in only the bad memories of life we will continue to carry the hurt with us but by really accepting that it happened and it is in the past then you will be able to move on and find your way to your authentic happy life!

    Shine on~

  82. Walk in Peace~

    What a profound thought....wouldn't it be awesome if we could all have peace in our heart? My journey to finding my authentic happy self has also gave me peace! And I guarantee it reflects in who you are when you work towards finding this peace~it may not happen over night but it is worth the journey!

    One definition is that peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between others, where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences...the only person you can or should work on is will trickle out and effect everyone in your life..but you can't change another person nor should you want to!

    Something else that comes to mind for me when I read these words is war....I myself have been fortunate not to have a friend or family member directly involved but my heart goes out to all of our service men and women! Take a moment of your time to send love~light and prayers to all involved....find peace in your heart and do what YOU can to make the world a better place~

    Shine on~

  83. Life is so fleeting....Enjoy every moment~

    ~Laugh whatever makes your heart kind to every person you come in contact not judge...don't be your neighbors and friends or even a stranger....spend money wisely but have fun too...give when you can and sometimes even when you can't...count your blessings...say thank you...make healthy choices....but most of all take care of you~

    Just a thought or maybe a reminder....I know I need reminded often~

    Shine on~

  84. Why can things in our lives get so complicated so fast? You are living your life doing the best you can and then one day you wake up to find that your path has changed....whether you like it or not it has changed!

    So what should you do now? It seems to me that you have 2 choices.....give up or pick yourself up and make a new path one that you choose one that will make you happy! Yes there is a gray area in there where you can just muddle thru life and let life just happen...but choose the path that you want the path that will make you happy!

    Remember you always have a choice when it comes to your life!

    Be blessed~

  85. I read someplace that you should, as a married couple, take one night a weekend a month....and one week a year...only to spend time and do something you enjoy with your significant doesn't have to be anything expensive or to crazy...just take time alone to enjoy each other...our lives get so hectic that we forget to pay attention to our significant other...we get busy with the or just life!

    If you can't make this happen then just try for the one week night and maybe a weekend night for a date night...just by starting this little practice you will feel so much happier inside and so will your partner! We get so wrapped up in ourselves sometimes we forget to pay attention to our partners needs! Make time for romance...laughter...and fun!

    I still believe you should definately take care of you but if your in a relationship remember to take care of "Us"!

    Life can be crazy but take time to have fun!

    Be blessed~

  86. Tips for Reducing Stress

    ~Have a positive attitude
    ~Try not to worry about things out of your control
    ~Problem solve with people around you. Ask for help
    ~Exercise..A few minutes of each day can help your overall health
    ~Eat Nutritional food..decrease the amount of sugar and fat
    ~Meditate or take Tai Chi or Yoga class
    ~Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages
    ~Rest...Try to get eight hours of sleep each day
    ~Get a massage or have a Reiki treatment

    There are many ways to alleviate stress these are just a few tips that I hope will help you start on a path to a less stressed life!

    Be blessed~

  87. "Every second brings a fresh beginning, every hour holds a new promise, every night our dreams can bring hope, & every day is what you choose to make it."

    If we take the time everyday to really remember this our lives would be so much better! You are in control of everything that happens in your life...well maybe not what happens but you are in control of how you react to it...remember to focus on the good and when things don't go exactly as planned...just re-group and move on!

    You have a choice to choose what you are think happy thoughts and have a happy life!

    Be blessed~

  88. Today is just another day but how your day will go is your choice!

    Take 5 minutes to stand quietly and ground yourself...this practice will make you feel more balanced thru your whole day....

    Stand with legs hip width shoes...imagine your feet are growing roots thru the floor down to the earth...imagine being anchored to the ground....start at the top of your head and imagine the roots pulling you to stand tall and strong...take 3 deep breathes and just stand tall and strong...and say thank you!

    This feeling will stay with it everyday and you will be stronger and not so easily swayed by life's little obstacles!

    Be blessed~

  89. What makes you really happy? Do you even know?

    Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we really don't know what we like or dislike...we think we have to keep doing things that don't really make us happy just because that is what we have always done...but guess what that is not how it has to be..if it doesn't make you happy now is the time to make changes!

    You don't have to quit your job or leave your current just have to make some changes in the way you think....and in some of the things you do....start thinking about how you feel while your doing something that you don't really like...decide if it is something that you can change and if it isn't then change how you think about it...send loving thoughts to and focus on the good in every situation and it will make a difference in your day!

    Focus on the good in every situation...focus on what makes you happy and do more of that! If you do this you will be well on your way to your authentic happy life!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  90. Invest in yourself....your worth it~

    As we were cutting up magazines creating our vision boards at my last workshop...the Law of Attraction....I came across this saying and wow did it hit me....

    You really are worth it...I am worth it...we spend so much time trying to find ways not to think about ourselves not to take care of ourselves....sometime it is hard to sit alone and just listen, I mean really listen to your own thoughts but by doing this we really learn what it is that we need and want...we learn to be still and listen to our bodies listen what it is telling us!

    Start now, right this minute, start to find ways to invest in YOU....the more you invest in yourself the better you will be...on the inside and the little things for just kind to you...say "I love you" to your body and really mean it...your body does everything for you try doing something nice for it!

    Invest in yourself...your worth it~

    Be blessed~

  91. I trust in the process of life. There is a rhythm and flow to life, and I am a part of it.

    Life has a way of working out....just work on staying positive and happy and you will survive anything...and with some work you will always come out on top!

    Be blessed~

  92. It's hard to believe that Christmas is in a couple of weeks and another new year will begin....where does the time go?

    As I prepare for Christmas I become more and more thankful for all that I have in my list of things to be grateful for is long...but more than anything I am thankful for my health and the feeling of gratitude in my heart....I am thankful for the chance to share what I have learned with so many people...I am thankful to have this chance to make a difference in the lives of so many others!

    I have said it before everything in my life isn't perfect at every minute....but I have made the decision to change how I change my thoughts on every situation in my life...I have decided to use positive affirmations to keep me focused on the life I want to live...

    This year, let this be the year you decide to stop making new resolutions, and start making the changes in your life to find your way to your authentic happy self!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~

  93. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it~

    Believe in the magic of life and let life happen with a positive attitude and positive thoughts....and it will all seem so much easier~

    Enjoy this day and be thankful~

    Be blessed~

  94. Meditation enables us to have a deeper understanding of our inner self. Through meditation we can gain a better understanding of our life’s purpose....

    Meditation is a practice that can make all the difference in your life....don't wait for the new year....start today! Just start by sitting quietly for as long as you can...don't try to stop your thoughts...just let them come but turn your focus to anything for a focal a candle or just anything that you can focus your eyes on...and breathe~

    This will me my focus over the next few days...meditation is not something that has always came easy for me by working on it here and sharing what I have will help those of you who want to start this practice every day....another tool on your journey to your authentic happy self!

    Be blessed~

  95. How to meditate~

    Sit with a straight back. Don’t try to meditate lying down because you are likely to fall asleep. Meditation brings relaxation and peace but at the same time this is a dynamic peace. Meditation is quite different than the relaxation of sleep. When we really meditate, we are fully alert and conscious. Our sense of awareness is heightened. Afterwards you’ll have a positive feeling for the world and a renewed sense of dynamism.

    ~Don’t eat before meditating. After a heavy meal your body will be lethargic with digestion.

    ~It is not necessary to mediate in the lotus posture. It is fine to meditate in a chair, as long as the back is straight.

    ~It is helpful to take a shower before meditating.

    ~Burning incense and having a candle are not necessary, but they can add a little extra inspiration.

    ~It is good to meditate early in the morning.

    These are just some guidelines to help get us started...I am starting today...let's give it a try!

    I have a Reiki client who is interested in learning how to meditate so I am working on my own meditation practice...this will help me and others~I have meditated for years but never on a every day basis but now seems like a good time to start such a helpful practice!

    Be blessed~

  96. After finishing a Reiki session last night I was once again reminded the we alone are responsible for our own well being...I shared this thought with my client but it was also a reminder to me!

    A reminder that we all need to take care of us! The bottom line is that if you do not love yourself enough to do the very best for your self then how can you do the very best for your family? We give everything we have to take care of our loved ones...that doesn't have to stop but we do have to make some changes if we want to be here for a long time to enjoy our lives with them!

    We are each responsible only for one person and that is is your responsibility to take care of your body...mind...soul & spirit! Begin today to start incorporating just one thing to take care of matter how small it is a start! Remember to put YOU on your to do list!

    Be blessed~

  97. Sometimes all we need are a few little sentences that encourage us first thing in the morning to set a more positive tone for our day ahead. Meaningful words that when read or written down can adjust our thinking or shift our focus.

    Five simple sentences that can help lift stress, dissolve anger, worry or negative thinking. Five refreshing sentences that when read or meditated on, can bring us closer to a more connected and inspiring way of life.

    1: Just for today, I will not be angry

    2: Just for today, I will not worry

    3: Just for today, I will be grateful

    4: Just for today, I will do my work honestly

    5: Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing

    These are the five Reiki Principles but they are great to keep us focused and help with our stress...use these or write your own...but either way just change your focus!

    Shine on~

  98. After decades of often disputed validity, the effectiveness of Reiki, a holistic energy treatment is gaining new respect within the medical community. Not only are highly reputable medical facilities throughout the U.S. offering patients alternative healing programs such as Reiki, those facilities are analyzing the benefits of their programs and are submitting them for review and compilation. The results are nothing short of remarkable.

    It's about time they are catching on to how amazing Reiki is!

  99. Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction~

    I was never very good at change but as the song's about changing nothing ever stays the same~

    So when life hands you something you really weren't expecting make the choice to accept the change and go with the flow....when we resist change our whole body feels the resistance...just take a deep breathe and go with it learn to adjust to the change because that is life....sometimes change is exactly what we need!

    Be blessed~

  100. For today I will just say "be happy & have fun" at whatever you are getting into!

    We are off to Christmas shop and I am so excited...I love to give gifts...what makes me happy is being able to give to my family and others....I guess I would rather give than receive because I am so blessed!

    I am sending love to all on this beautiful day!

    Be blessed~

  101. While we were Christmas shopping I realized how crazy the world has became....we run around in bumper to bumper traffic buying gifts to give to our friends and loved ones...and it seems to me that no one is really having fun or enjoying it...we just go thru the motions!

    I wonder to myself...why do we do this? I guess it is just like our everyday life we mindlessly go thru the motions of what we think we are suppose to be doing....well for me this has become the year of making changes and this is going to be pushed to the top of my list...I am going to start doing things a little differently...I am going to do things that make me happy on the inside and it will reflect on the out!

    Pay attention to your life and see how you feel everyday...yes there are things we do have to do but that's not what I am talking about....just like Christmas shopping what a crazy way of doing those you love in a different way how much they mean to kind and helpful to your friends and family that would mean so much more than buying presents that you really can't afford hoping to make them happy!

    Happy is a feeling that we should all work at feeling and really meaning that we are happy...not just going thru the motions!

    Yes this year I already bought all of my gifts and I went a little crazy but next year will be different! That is my promise to myself!

    Be blessed~

  102. Today I was so inspired by a woman who has lived without money for 15 years....what a crazy concept in today's society! I have, in the last year been changing and doing what I could to make my life less stressed...and for me and probably most of you money seems to equate to stress....I wonder why do I always feel like there isn't enough money coming in when everyday I am provided with everything I really need!

    This goes back to my crazy trip Christmas shopping...for the last couple of years we have been really cutting back but this year I went a bit overboard again like I used to do...I thought if I bought my kids everything they wanted I was doing the right thing...but guess what I learned that my kids are happy with whatever I give them and when I went way overboard over the years they were not any happier they just had more to open....and I don't want that to be what my life is for them!

    My son is a constant inspiration to me...some might think he is crazy or lazy because he lives a simple life he is happy to just be he doesn't need a fancy car or fancy clothes to be happy....he never worries about money he just does odd jobs and somehow he always has what he needs...but why do we think our kids should go to college get a stressful job and get caught up in the rat race like we all do?

    I have been on a different path this past year but I am going to change the way I look at life and money this year and make more and more changes! I am truly blessed and I will continue to make my life simple!

    Simple to me is happy~

    Be blessed~

  103. I am reading a new book and it is great...very inspiring but I as I was reading there is a part it kinda goes like says not to smile and just pretend to be happy when you are made me think of what I am saying and sharing with others and for my own peace of mind I just want to add this....

    I encourage you to smile and put on a happy face as much as you can but if you are sad or hurt or disappointed or stressed and the list could go on and are going to have these feelings and its ok to feel them when they are happening it's ok to cry or pout or scream out in frustration....I just don't think you should stay in those places....get it out and move on...get them out and put on a happy face because life will always continue...there will always be ups and downs!

    Just let the downs happen...feel them and then pick yourself up and use your positive affirmations to continue to work towards your authentic happy self~

    Be blessed~

  104. Find what it is that makes you smile....and just do it!

    Laughing is the best medicine to so many things...instead of doing what you usually do when you are feeling stressed....try doing something fun with your family....friends or just get out and go watch a funny movie!

    We take life to seriously....lets make this be the change the world needs....lets smile and be happy....and just sit back and see what happens!

    Be blessed~

  105. You are YOU. keep moving til you get there Just be you~

    When I read this it got me usual..we spend our lives trying to be a version of what others expect or think we should be...but why not make the decision to be who we really are...who we want to be!

    5 years ago I wouldn't have stepped out my door without make-up and my hair done...but alot has changed for me in the last 5 years...I now know that having my make-up and hair perfect isn't what is important...what's important is being alive and living the best life you can I didn't just give up and say "I don't care about how I look"...that's the furthest from the truth I totally care about how I look....just because I don't color my hair anymore I still take care of it...I still buy all the products I might need for that...I still wear make-up....just not every day....and guess what....I still look my best!

    Work on being the YOU that you want to confident in what ever that is for what makes you happy not what the magazines or media say you should do....strive to be healthy not just skinny....take care of you...and once again I will say put YOU on the top of your to-do list!

    Be well, be happy, be blessed~
    And have an amazing day~

  106. Well the holidays are here and so come the cookies.....I have already had more than I should have and I was feeling a bit down.....

    But then came the pep talk to myself....and with a little effort I changed my more beating myself up over a few cookies....I have been doing great for many months and there are going to be days like this...but I am in control of my thoughts and my body and I say no more cookies until christmas day for this girl....then I will enjoy a few and then back on track the next day or maybe even the next meal!

    This journey to healthy is not necessarily an easy one but a journey that I am enjoying....a journey that will get me to the healthy place in my life that I want and need to be!

    So go ahead and eat a few cookies but just don't eat a few to many every day....and don't let it get you down...eating healthy is a choice and if you want to do it for the rest of your life then your gonna have a bad day or two every now and then but don't beat yourself up or give up...

    Be blessed~

  107. Reiki helps dissolve problems, such as physical ailments, and balance the body, mind, emotion so as to achieve a natural state of being. As Reiki flows in the body, it cleanses blockages causing physical ailments.

    Reiki also washes any negative thoughts or repressed emotions settled in the unconscious mind. Thus, the energy flow is no more disturbed, it follows its natural pathways. What Reiki also promotes is the power of mind, the belief that thoughts have the power to direct energy.

    Not only that, but Reiki spiritual techniques become powerful tools in the hands of the attuned. When it comes about gaining good energy, a real way to happiness, Reiki works on releasing accumulated daily stress, minimizing feelings of helplessness when faced with a crisis situation, promoting the ability to loving, caring, growing, compassion, trusting, self-improving.

    The fascinating thing during a Reiki treatment session is that it is not only an intelligent energy which goes to greatest need, but it also lasts a lifetime, since the Universal Life Force energy is an unlimited supply, which ever existed and will always exist. These are the true reiki blessings.

    Just wanted to share this article with you helps give insight to how and what Reiki is capable of doing..Reiki is an effective tool on your journey to you happy authentic self~

    Be blessed~

  108. Merry Christmas and Blessing for a New Year! And for those of my friends who do not celebrate Christmas....I would like to wish you a wonderful weekend~

    It has been a busy day and I am signing off for a couple of days to enjoy the holiday and weekend with my family!

    Be blessed~

  109. My Christmas wish~

    Love...Peace & Happiness to all~

    May your dreams come true...and your days be filled with everything you want~

    Change your thoughts and start to change your life~

    Many blessings to you all~

    Be blessed~

  110. As another year comes to an end, I think we all start to reflect on the past year and what we could change and do to make our lives better...

    Let this year be the year you decide to put YOU on the top of your to-do is the time to begin to make the changes needed in the way think to begin changing your life~

    By making the choice to take care of YOU is the first step on the journey to your authentic happy self....a journey that is always changing and never ending in this life~

    Start by making small changes in your thoughts...always look for the positive in yourself...never put yourself down and never let someone else put you down~

    Drink more water and start by adding more fruits and veggies into you diet...these changes alone will make you feel better~

    Take 5 minutes or longer if you can and just sit quietly and and out~do this in the morning and before you go to bed~

    Make a list on paper or in you mind of things you are grateful for each day....

    Don't just make a New Year's Resolution this year....make small changes that will last a lifetime~

    Really live this each day as if there will be no tomorrow....laugh always be nice to other~

    Be blessed~

  111. Remove those “I want you to like me” stickers from your forehead and, instead, place them where they truly will do the most good - on your mirror! - Susan Jeffers

    Learn to "like" yourself....on step at a time~

    It will change your world~

    Be blessed~

  112. As I was drying my hair this morning I had an Aha moment about my health~

    I had a dear friend who passed away in her early 40's from Cancer...she was one of the healthiest people I have ever know...not only did she exercise regularly she taught aerobics for over 20 years....ate only healthy food...rarely ate fast food if at all....didn't drink soda of any kind....and yet she died way to young....

    I think about her often but today I had a new thought...taking care of yourself....eating healthy...exercising and putting yourself first are just not ways to make sure you live is about how great you can feel while you are alive...while you are living your every day life!

    My dear friend was lived her life to the fullest while she was here with us!

    My Aha moment reminded me that getting healthy is about today...about this moment~

    I choose not to waste another day of my life not taking care of me~

    Do the same for yourself and enjoy your life...every moment of it~

    Be blessed~

  113. The last week of 2011 is upon us...along with taking down your Christmas tree and putting away all your gifts....take some extra time to de-clutter your life!

    You don't have to do it all at one time just a closet or your desk or maybe even your kitchen doesn't matter where you start just start!

    Then do the same with your mind....start a journal and write down your thoughts....just for you! When you get rid of some of the clutter in your life you make room for more blessings!

    Be thankful for all that you have and then pass it on to someone else who may need it....for everything you got as a christmas gift let something go~

    You will be lighter and happier when you start to clear the clutter in your life~

    Be blessed~

  114. Nobody can predict the future. You don't know what's going to happen. Tomorrow's not promised. The only thing you can do is live your life, hope for the best, continue to have faith and believe in yourself. ♥ ♥

    Be blessed~

  115. The days are so dark and cold...somewhat gloomy you might say...

    Instead of looking at winter this way....change the way you think about it~

    Look at it as time to rest..relax & rejuvinate yourself...take time to snuggle and get cozy...light some candles and enjoy the dark!

    Clean out closets and your repairs that need to be done!

    Enjoy this is all necessary...even the gloomy weather! Rest and enjoy~

    Spring is just around the corner~

    Shine on~

  116. Changing your negative thought pattern, allows you to feel this amazing shift within yourself. The desire for peace is right there, you get a sense of a weight being lifted. Thinking positive and looking for the good in everything can and will change your life. Its all the matter of habit. and breaking habits.

    Start right this works~

    Be blessed~

  117. Do what you love....and don't be discouraged by other people's opinions!

    When you find something that you love and that inspires you.....just do it! Nothing brings us more joy than doing something that makes us feel good on the inside.....and if you feel good on the shows on the outside~

    Others are entitled to an opinion but don't make your decisions based on what others will think....if you are doing what you love nothing will bring you down....if you do things from your heart it will always be the right thing for you!

    Be blessed~

  118. As the year comes to a close reflect on how the past year has been....but focus on all good that happened and let the bad just fade away!

    We all are so full of hope for the new year...but let this be the year that you have that feeling all year long! Start focusing on your thoughts....change your thoughts and you can change your life!

    Always look for the good in every situation....this is a great place to start!

    Be blessed~

  119. Happy New Year....blessings to all!

    Reflect on all the wonderful things that happened in 2011 and look forward to a awesome new year!

    Release all the negative and focus on the positive and start today to create the life you have always wanted!

    Be blessed!

  120. Today I am thankful for the beginning of another new year...I am thankful for the knowledge and energy that I receive everyday...I am thankful for all that I have and all that is coming to me!

    I send love and blessings to wish is only good to come into my life and many blessing for all of us!

    Happy New year~

    Be blessed~

  121. Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

    It seems that every New Year we feel like it is a beginning for new possibilities for our lives....but the truth is we can re-invent our lives at any point of the year....if you get off to a rocky start just brush off the feeling of failure and start fresh! Everyday is a chance for a new never give up...just continue to do your part in creating the life you want....a life with less stress and more smiles!

    No we can't change the world but we can change how we react and what we think....and this will change your world! Let today be the first day on your journey to your authentic happy self!

    Be blessed~

  122. Taking care of yourself~

    This seems like such an easy thing to do but do we really do it? I know for a fact that I don't...well that's not completely true...I really try....I have good intentions but do I really do it? The answer is NO.....

    Starting out the new year seems like the perfect time to make a promise to myself...not a resolution...that I will take care of me....I will eat only healthy foods....I will exercise...I will meditate....I will practice Yoga....I will put me on the top of my "To Do" List!

    Oh I do really well for a while....I make time for me....but then life happens and guess what...I'm not eating healthy....I'm not exercising...I'm not doing yoga or meditating...

    I would like to say I wonder why we do this over and over...we start out doing great and then we fall back into our old habits....but I know the answer...we think we will be just fine doing what we always did and we don't really put our heart and soul into making these changes! We wait for something to happen...a health accident or something to hit us right between the eyes...then we say...hmmmm maybe I should have stuck with it!

    Lets make this the year that we start taking care of ourselves...and don't stop! It's not going on a diet and then falling off the is about learning to eat healthy foods that nourish our bodies...I am doing Mindful Eating....when I eat I sit down and eat at the dinner table...not in front of the TV...I focus on what I am eating and how good it is for my body...I have always been a fast eater and it isn't easy to change that but I am trying! Because trying is all we can do....don't stop trying! Do whatever works for you but just do it!

    Take 5 minutes in the morning to prepare yourself for the day...think positive thoughts and prepare for a great day and at the end of the day take 5 more minutes to say THANK YOU for all of your blessings! And really mean it!

    Be blessed~

  123. Today....focus on the good...ignore the rest!

    Today's affirmation:

    Everyday and in every way I am getting better & better~

    Be blessed~

  124. The sun is out...yes it is still cold but in life we need to look for the good in every situation!

    It really is a fun game to play...give it a try...everyday and in every situation in your life...instead of getting angry...frustrated or stress or whatever way you handle things....turn it around by looking for the good....there is good in every situation.....all you have to do is focus on finding it!

    Today's affirmation:

    I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself~

    Be blessed~

  125. Today's affirmation:

    I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

    Be blessed~

  126. When someone are you? how's work? how's business? or anything that affects anything in your life....the answer should be "better & better"....

    By thinking...saying...and really meaning that things are getting "better & better" in your life....then it will come to be!

    Always look for the positive feeling that will make you feel happy inside!

    Be blessed~

  127. Today is Monday....the sun will be shining again! That is something that makes us all get up and move....just get outside and take a short walk and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!

    Get up and doesn't matter what you do just move....your joints and you body will thank you for it! The more we move the easier it is to do just do it!

    Let today be the day you start to make positive changes in your life, if you already haven't, and if you have always look for new ways to improve your attitude! Always remember you are in control of your life...if you don't like it....change it!

    Change your thinking and change your life!

    Today's affirmation:

    I choose to exercise regularly~

    Be blessed~

    And have a fabulous day~

  128. changing your intention and putting your focus on what it is that you want your life to be can change your world!

    We all have what it takes to change our lives....if you are in a situation that you want to change start with your your own cheerleader!

    I recently read a story....about a woman who was on public assistance....she was not happy with her life but instead of just staying stuck she got a job in the cafeteria at the local was a great first step but she still wasn't she got her GED...then she went to collage....and she didn't she is the principal at the same school she stared out in the cafeteria doesn't matter what job you have or how much you make....if you have the feeling you want more then you should focus on that...if you have a job like working in the cafeteria and that is what makes you happy....then that is all that matters!

    Everyone has different dreams and desires....but we always have options!

    Today's affirmation:

    I am thankful for all the help, guidance, and support that is constantly coming to me.

    Be blessed~

  129. Here we are already 11 days into the new time seems to just fly by. Like so many others I am trying to get healthy...trying to make changes in what and how I eat....but some days it feels like a battle that I may never win!

    They say you will have days like this but man I am so tired of makes me wonder how I let myself get to this place....this place where I either lose weight and get healthy or give up! I think about it often, probably to often, I start each day with a great attitude about what I am going to eat and how much of it but it seems I am always thinking about food and what I am going to eat next....and that just doesn't seem to be working for me...but I will not give up! This is just all part of the journey to healthy and no matter how frustrated it can is something that I want to do....not because they told me I had to do it but because for however long I am still here I want to be able to run and play....I want to be able to take long walks and not be out of breathe....I am going to do this for me!

    Make the decision to take care of you for is the only way!

    Today's Affirmation:

    Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body and soul~

    Be blessed~

  130. Today's Affirmation:

    I pay my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me.

    Be blessed~

  131. May the sun bring you new energy by day
    may the moon softly restore you by night,
    may the rain wash away your worries,
    may the breeze blow new strength into your being,
    may you walk gently through the world
    and know its beauty all the days of your PRECIOUS life.
    ~ Apache Blessing ♥

    Today's Affirmation:

    I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

    Be blessed~

  132. Good Morning~

    Here it is Monday again....I missed a few days....doing some remodeling and the computer was out of service. It's funny how we get so attached to our electronics....I missed writing but I kinda enjoyed not getting online for a few makes a person wonder how we ever managed without the internet....phones...ipods...ipads?

    So if you notice I am missing a day or two just know I will be back....I love how writing my blog lifts my mood...

    With the remodeling at the store it has brought me to a new place....a place to remind me that change is good for us....just some simple adjustments in the set-up of my store or it could be your home or work or just life in general can feel like a breathe of fresh air....sometimes we just need that! Too I think by changing things around in your life it feels fresh and move some stuff around in your life....and see how good it feels!

    De-clutter and let go of items that you really don't need around....I let go of 5 boxes and several bags....that was 12 years of "stuff" that have released into the universe for someone else to need or enjoy!

    Today's Affirmation:

    Life is a joy...filled with delightful surprises!

    Be blessed~

  133. January seems like such a gloomy time of year around here.....I guess if you live somewhere where the sun always shines you might not feel the same way....but for many it is cold...gloomy and kinda depressing!

    But you can always go where the "sun shines" in your mind....the sun is such a pick me up for most of grab some magazines and clip out as many pictures of people outside not necessarily in the sun but doing outside activities and having fun....clip the pictures and post them all around you living or work space....and everyday sit quietly and hold these pictures in your will lift your spirits....and always know the sun will shine again~

    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine!

    Today's Affirmation:

    I behave in ways that promote my health more every day.

    Be blessed~

  134. If you're experiencing intense or odd energies and feelings right now, or are feeling sad, tired, experiencing insomnia, or have been extremely emotional and crying more than normal lately, you're not alone. There is a big shift occurring, and sensitive people are being highly affected. The lower energies are also trying to dampen the light right now, which is impossible in spiritual truth, but nonetheless the increased lower energies are affecting us. We need your help. Now is the time to allow your inner light to shine as brightly as possible. How do you do this? By being your natural beautiful self, by praying, meditating, taking excellent care of your body, and focusing upon your blessings and gratitude. This world needs as much light as possible right now, and your light can make a huge positive difference.

    Thought this was worth sharing....

    Be blessed~

  135. So I have been thinking about the journey to healthy....I don't like to say it's about losing weight because with becoming healthy you will automatically lose weight so I like to think about it as becoming healthy...that's what the doctor said I have to do before my surgery...."get as healthy as I can" really sounds so simple but it really isn't that simple....

    I try not to focus to much on it but I consumes me most days... I get so tired of worrying about every bite of food that goes into my mouth....I get tired of counting points or calories....or whatever other way there is to watch what you eat!

    So I just read a book...not about dieting but about finding a different way on this journey to my most healthy self....and I have decided to try what she did....she hasn't weighed her self for a few years....she does measure from time to time but she is not a slave to the scale anymore....and that is where I want to is so interesting how it can become an obsession once you start and then if you are feeling great but the numbers aren't going down it is a bummer...the book is called "After: The before & After"....

    Of course she did alot of soul searching on her journey but I think that is a huge part to why we eat I am putting away my scale and I am going to continue to eat healthy food and keep making better choices....I have stopped exercising but today is the day I will start....even if it is just walking...walking is a great place to start and it may be all I ever do but that is ok!

    So, if you are in the same boat as me, as I know many are.....lets give up the number on the scale...stop counting calories or points and just eat what is good for you most of the time....focus on your feelings and how you are feeling when you are eating on how you feel and maybe this will work for us too~

    I have learned there is no solid answer on how to get to healthy but this is a journey that I will just take one day at a time~

    Today's Affirmation:

    I am the perfect weight for me!

    Be blessed~

  136. Another amazing thankful~

    Today's Affirmation:

    I rejoice in the Love I encounter everyday

    Be blessed~

  137. May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
    May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.
    May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue.
    And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.

    Today's Affirmation:

    I am at peace~

    Be blessed~

  138. Just thinking about life sometimes can be no matter what kinds of challenges you have in your life...just know there is always someone out there that can help! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need doesn't have to be lived on your own!

    We somehow have been trained that we shouldn't ask for is a sign of weakness or some silly thing like that....but that is so far from the matter what it is don't ever feel "less than" if you need to ask for help!

    Do what you need to do to get thru the days....and ask for help if you need it! This journey of life is not meant to be so hard....and you are never alone!

    Today's Affirmation:

    I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

    Be blessed~

  139. Good Morning friends~

    I just wanted to say a big Thank You to all of those who follow my blog...when I started out doing my blog I did it for selfish reasons...for me writing is almost a kind of therapy but as I continue to blog I find I am not only helping myself I am helping others and what a great feeling that is!

    I love sharing all the knowledge that I have gathered and will continue to gather....that also is something that makes me happy...researching all of the different ways and ideas to make my life better...sometimes my life seems almost perfect in so many ways but I know that nothing is really perfect and there is always something we can learn and work on in our lives for me it is the only way!

    So please continue reading and I will continue sharing....and our journeys to our authentic happy selves will be so much more fun!

    Today's affirmation:

    Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health~

    Just a reminder if you missed my blog on affirmations...affirmations are just positive self can pick which ones you would like to bring into your life and focus on them...write them down...say them over and over and you will notice the changes in your life!

    Be blessed~

  140. Jealousy....what an ugly feeling it is...why is it that it can sneak up on you and make us do and say things that hurt others? It is such a useless feeling...and it is hard to hear but "everything isn't about you" that "you" can be anyone...even me!

    When we feel jealous we want to hurt others because we think it will make us feel better and it will make that jealous feeling go away...but guess won't help, as a matter of fact, it will make you feel worse!

    I will admit I am a jealous person...I blame it on my zodiac sign...and jealousy isn't always about another woman looking at your is a feeling that can sneak into every aspect of your life....but I think just being aware of your thoughts and feelings can save you from the crappy feelings you feel when you are jealous and how you feel when you express to others how you are feeling...instead of letting that jealous feeling pour out and hurt someone else who really isn't at fault...find another way of handling's ok to feel jealous but how you react is the important part....use your journal...cry...get angry or whatever it takes...but don't hurt someone who loves you because you feel jealous and insecure because once you start saying how you are feeling, I guarantee you will sound pretty silly when you speak!

    Just feel the feeling....let it go and remember to be happy in every moment! Life is short...I know it's an old saying but it is a true one!

    Today's affirmation:

    All my relationships are loving and harmonious~

    Be blessed~

  141. What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.

    Smile and have a wonderful weekend~

    Today's affirmation:

    The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful~

    Be blessed~

  142. Today is Saturday....enjoy this day...find what makes you smile and feel good and make sure that is on your to-do list today!

    Today's affirmation:

    Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises~

    Be blessed~

  143. Let today be a new day for you...let today be a day where you let go of all the excuses we use for things we want to change in our matter what it is you want to change in your life no matter how big or how small we can always find an excuse why we can't do it!

    But instead of looking for excuses why we can't change things...ask yourself...why not? You deserve all the that you desire and by changing your thinking you can have all that you want...just find the feeling in your mind of what it is you want in the end and use that feeling to get to where or what it is that you want!

    It doesn't happen over night but if you focus on the feeling of having what you want...then it shall be!

    Before you go to sleep tonite instead of thinking about all the things that happened in your day that you don't want...try focusing on all the good that you do want...before you go to sleep let your last thoughts be things like...I am healthy...I will fall asleep easily and sleep all nite and wake up feeling rested and refreshed for another great day...I have all that I need and desire...ok you get the idea!

    Just give it a try for a couple of weeks and you will notice a change!

    Today's affirmation:

    I am at peace~

    Be blessed~

  144. One of the many things I have learned in my life is that if you look for others to lift you up you might be disappointed! I'm not saying that others will not compliment you but we can't depend on others compliments to keep our spirits up! Everyday we accomplish so much and we need to do these things for ourselves....if we do what we do wanting others to notice and say something just might not work out like what you do for you...not for others to notice!

    Have an amazing week~

    Today's affirmation:

    I take deeper, longer, more relaxed breaths~

    Be blessed~

  145. On my journey to healthy I have ran into some obstacles....trying to make changes in your life are never easy...but everyday I get out of bed and decide that today is a brand new day and it is up to me to make the choice of what my day will be like!

    Sometimes it seems like the easiest path is to just give up and continue on whatever journey you are already on...but once again that is a choice that only you can make for your own life....but if you are tired of living the life you have been living then it is up to you to make the change that is necessary to get to wherever you want to be...

    And I am not content to live the rest of my life in an unhealthy body so every day when I get up...I change my mind about how I feel...about how I think! It is your life, just like it is my life and I want this change so no matter what comes my way each and every day....I will go to sleep being thankful for the day that just passed and I will start each day with a positive happy new attitude! The only think in life that you can totally control
    are your own thoughts and how you choose to respond or react to your life....

    So if you, like me are on a journey to make changes in your matter what they are....never give up! It is not always easy to change but in the end if you are doing it just for will be worth the journey!

    Today's affirmation:

    My life is filled with happiness and contentment~

    Be blessed~

  146. One of my customers just left...when she came in she apologized for how she looked with no make-up...she went on to give many excuses why she didn't have any make-up on....and before she left she apologized again and I had to say....don't make excuses for what you look like without "fixing yourself up"...I reminded her that she was beautiful always...and she really is...I reminded her that beauty comes from the inside and we should never feel like we should apologize for just being who we really are! And you know she was so was like a huge relief for her and she left feeling great...and she will carry those thoughts with her I hope!

    I used to feel the same way and I am not saying I think we should never wear make-up or take care of ourselves...I just think that on those days we don't have the time or take the time or we just don't feel like putting make-up on and fixing our hair...that we should still stand tall and radiate who we are and be proud of it!
    I love wearing make-up but it is funny on the days I don't... I still feel really good....and that is because I feel good on the inside and it shows on the outside!

    Yes I am still on this journey and probably always will be but I know in my heart I have made great progress on my journey to my authentic happy self!

    Always remember it starts on the inside~

    Today's affirmation:

    I believe in myself, therefore others believe in me~

    Be blessed~

  147. Today is a new remind your self of how awesome and beautiful you really are!

    One of my customers came in and the first thing she did was apologize for not having any make-up on and for how she looked....she apologized several times thru our conversation and again before she left...and I had to say to her....never apologize for being who you are...I reminded her that she was beautiful with or without "fixing herself up"....and she really is! I told her never ever make excuses for not feeling like or just not wanting to put make-up on! Never make excuses for being who you really are~

    I am not saying to stop wearing make-up or doing your hair but if you don't do it for whatever reason or just because you don't feel like it...stand tall and radiate who you are....I reminded her that real beauty comes from the inside! And she left smiling! I used to be just like her...but not anymore...on the days I don't put make-up on or do my hair I still feel great....I sometimes forget I didn't do it!

    I have came along way on my journey to my authentic happy self...and I know I will be on this journey for my life time...and I also know that how you feel on the inside reflects on the outside! So work on feeling great inside and it will show on the outside!

    Today's affirmation:

    I believe in myself, therefore others believe in me~

    Be blessed~

  148. So after a wonderful weekend away with my family it is time to return to the real know all of the real life stuff...but I am feeling refreshed and nothing can get me down!

    All of the responsibilities of life can sometimes seem overwhelming so it is necessary to make time for you in our hectic schedules! Take time with your family because you little one's will only be little for a short time...take time out to take care of you and relax and renew your soul!

    And then when you return to life as might not be so overwhelming! As the saying goes...take time to smell the roses!

    Today's affirmation:

    I am prosperous and all good things flow easily to me~

    Be blessed~

  149. Here it is Wednesday seems like I am so tired by the middle of the week so instead of giving in to the tired I am going to sit down and do Reiki and meditate and focus on bringing more energy into my life...we have the ability to rejuvinate ourselves with our mind all we have to do is take the time to do this!

    So pick a quiet comfortable spot....close your eyes and imagine white light flowing into your body thru the crown of your head....let the white light wash thru your body and imagine this light sending energy thru your whole body clear your mind as much as you possibly can...focusing only on the light and the energy....that's all there is to it and when you are done you will feel refreshed and energized! Give it a try and have an amazing Wednesday filled with light and energy!

    Today's affirmation:

    I am contributing something unique and wholesome to society!

    Be blessed!

  150. What a great day...the sun is shining! When I think about the sunshine it just puts a smile on my could it not~

    On the days when the sun doesn't shine it is up to you to find a way to put the sunshine feeling into your day...find what makes you have that happy feeling that comes with the sunshine and make that a regular part of your your day goes is up to choose to make your own "sunshine" everyday!

    Today's affirmation:

    My life overflows with abundance in all areas~

    Be blessed~

  151. Have a wonderful something fun...spend time with your family but above all love and take care of you this weekend....take a bubble bath...take a a book....whatever it is that you do to take care of it!

    Today's affirmation:

    The food I eat gives my body energy and health~

    Be blessed~

  152. Well good morning to it is Monday again...I am not feeling my best...I got that darn head stuff that is going around and it was a rough weekend but today is a bit better! I just got the call that my dad is at the hospital and probably will be there for a few days...well that's how it usually overall I am feeling pretty crappy!

    I don't usually share when I am having a bad day but I just felt like it today...I want you all to know that I do have bad days....just like everyone else...yes most of my days I choose to be happy and positive and even though I am not feeling my best I will smile and put on a happy face because it does me no good to mope and be sad and depressed! So feel sad when you need to but don't stay there to long....pick yourself up and find something in your day to make you smile!

    My dad has been sick and unhealthy for many years but he just keeps going...he is a brave and strong man and I will enjoy all the time he has left gets very busy and crazy but always remember to take time to spend with those you love!

    Today's affirmation:

    I love freely and am loved completely~

    Be blessed~

  153. Oh man I hate to say that my day started out with me feeling sad..and thinking life is just a mess....then as I got my coffee creamer out and started to shake it up the lid came off and I had a "real mess"...and I just laughed and my tears where gone...I know this was the universe telling want a mess we will give you a mess!

    So I cleaned up the coffee creamer and got on with my day feeling so much better...sometimes life gets a little crazy but and it can be a bit overwhelming but always remember nothing is really that what you can and do it with a smile and life will always seem so much better!

    Be blessed~

  154. Well today is a new day and I have adjusted my attitude accordingly...even though it is rainy and gloomy outside I have made the choice to smile and enjoy the rain!

    Find things to do that need to be done inside and eventually the rain will bring spring is the time to be resting & rejuvinating....spring is just around the corner and we will be outside playing and having fun but for now just do what needs to be done on the a a movie...or just snuggle and relax!

    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine~

    Today's affirmation:

    I am open to new possibilities~

    Be blessed~

  155. I have been having the craziest dreams lately...I often wonder why such crazy things pop into my head while I sleep...but they are only dreams...I remind myself!

    I hate when you wake up just feeling yuk from a bad dream...but I just shake it off and plan for another great day...we have the choice to make our days good or bad so do what you need to work on having a great day...don't let others get you down no matter what...focus on the good! Make healthy food choices and exercise and you will feel so much better...just these 2 things can make all the difference in your day!

    Well have a wonderful weekend all....remember to make your own sunshine if necessary!

    Today's affirmation:

    I have a wonderful partner and we are both happy and at peace~

    Be blessed~

  156. I like to paint...not I paint very often? Well the answer is NO....I ask myself "why not"...I answer myself and say "you don't have time"....then I think WHAT...I don't have time to do something that I love...something that makes me happy? Am I very good at it? Well that to is debatable but you know what it makes me happy to if it makes you happy it really doesn't matter if you are good at it or not....the bottom line is we don't make time for the small things in life that make us happy...and if we don't make time for those little things it will one day catch up to you...if you aren't doing what you love those little things that you like to do just for you..those things that others might not really understand...those things that make you happy...then you are missing so guess what I bought me new paints today....and tonite I will be painting! Now is the time to take are of ask yourself what it is that you never do that you love to do....and just do it!!!

    Be well.. be blessed~

  157. Here it is the end of the day...Thursday...I'm tired!

    It seems we get so busy that we don't often take time to really rest and rejuvinate...we go to bed sleep and then get up and do it all again! This is a reminder to me and to you...take time to really rest...we don't have to be busy every moment of every day!

    So for now I am going to bed and tomorrow I will wake up refreshed and ready for a new day...

    Be blessed~

  158. Went to a Cancer Benefit for a friend last nite...there were so many people there and I thought to myself how awesome we all can be towards each other....but it makes me wonder why it takes such a terrible thing for us to realize how valuable our own lives are!

    Wake up every day and be thankful that you are alive...that you can get out of bed and just go to work...we are so blessed and we just let our blessing just slip thru our is your blessing so take care of yourself and enjoy each and every moment....that's what I am going to do!!

    Be blessed~

  159. Good Monday afternoon....

    I got so much done over the weekend and boy doesn't that feel great...but after this weekend I have decided that one day a week....probably Saturdays...I am going to do running house cleaning....just a day to relax! Most people would pick Sunday but that day doesn't work for me....I have my family over and cook dinner that is not exactly relaxing! Oh I love it and wouldn't give that day up but we just need a day to relax and do nothing!

    I don't know how well this will go over with my husband but I am going to make it work for me and he was the one that said we run around and do to from now on Saturdays are our day of rest!

    Even if you can't give up a whole day to do nothing pick a couple of hours out of what ever day you want and just do might be just what you need!

    Be blessed~

  160. So I have been thinking alot about what we do for ourselves that makes us really really happy....and I wondering why we get so busy in our day to day lives that we don't take time to do these things?

    I suppose this is a question that has been asked many many times....I am just as guilty as the next is busy and there is no time to really stop and enjoy anything...we just go and go doing things because they need to be done! And when we do have a spare moment we are so exhausted from all that we do that we just plop down in front of the TV and flip thru a bunch of nothing until we go to bed and then we do it all over again....

    I don't have all the answers but I do have a simple idea...just start with sitting for 5 minutes every cell phone...just sit and breath! It is a challenge that I am going to start today....give it a try and if you enjoy that 5 minutes try 10...then 20...maybe even work up to 30 minutes of quiet alone time for you!

    Be blessed~

  161. When you lay down in your bed tonight...let your last thoughts be of gratitude...go over in your mind, as you drift off to sleep, all of the blessing you had today~

    Good night and sweet dreams to all~

    Be blessed~

  162. The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within~

    Spring is just around the corner...hang in there!

    Be blessed~

  163. Wow I just realized I haven't posted for too many days....I have been busy but life should never keep you from doing what you love to do and I love to write but some days I just don't have much to say but that's the days I should post a positive quote as I know many people read and follow my I would like to say I'm sorry! I don't want this to be on of the things I love to do but don't make time for!

    I want to say thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope it gives each and every one of you something to think about and lifts your spirits and helps to keep you on track on your journey to your authentic happy self!

    A thought to think about~

    We have no more right to put our discordant states of mind into the lives of those around us and rob them of their sunshine and brightness then we have to enter their houses and steal their silverware~

    Be blessed~

  164. Today think about gratitude...think of all the things in your life that you have to be thankful for. It really is just a matter of changing your thoughts...when driving to work and you think ugh I hate going to work...instead change your thoughts to...I really am so thankful that I have a job to go to and I am thankful for my paycheck and all the things I can do with that paycheck...instead of thinking my husband/wife/partner is lazy he/she never helps out around here...try thinking my husband/wife/partner is a great provider and he is always there when I need him!

    These are just a few examples but I am sure you get the grateful for all of the blessings in your life and if you change your thinking you will be amazed at how much better your life will become!

    Be blessed~

  165. Today has been on of those crazy days where I could let myself not like people....but instead I stopped what I was doing and took 5 minutes to re-evaluate my thoughts and to remind myself that I do not have to agree with or please others...and neither do you!

    We are all free to feel and think whatever it is that we want to think and no one has the right to judge us for how we choose to live our lives! Always remember this and never let another person make you feel "less than" because you don't think like they do!

    Life is who you want to be and think what you want to think...and enjoy every moment!

    Be blessed~

  166. On this journey of life everyday can bring many ups and downs...I look around and see so many unhappy people...but I can't say it enough that we are responsible for our own matter what your situation in life can change it!

    You can control how you feel and what you bring into your life...that doesn't mean you won't have things happen that you have to overcome...but sometimes those things are necessary to move you to a different place in your life...but the thing is if you wait for things to be perfect in your life to "be happy" then you will have missed so many chances to enjoy your life!

    Always everyday and in every circumstance in your life...look for the good...look for something to be thankful for in that moment...if you look for will find it!

    This is my mission in life to help others on their journey to their authentic happy isn't always easy but it is so much more fun if you feel happy inside! So work on this everyday and see if you notice a change!

    Be blessed~

  167. Sometimes things come into our lives for a attention to the little things...sometimes they are the best things on your journey!

    Be blessed!

  168. The weather outside is amazing...I wonder why it is so warm in March...I don't know why but I really love it! It is amazing the difference in people when the weather is sunny & just makes us happy!

    So spend time enjoying this amazing weather and as always be thankful...

    Be blessed~

  169. So what kind of fun are you going to get into this weekend?

    I think this is a statement that we need to really focus on...having fun! Ask yourself...when was the last time you really had fun? What were you doing...what made you laugh?

    I know its true for me and I hear my customers say it all the time....we are so busy in our lives that we really don't take time to have fun! Let today be the day that you decide to make time for fun...make time to do what you do something that makes you laugh and smile!

    Life and all the stuff will always be there so make today count...have fun!

    Be blessed~

  170. What an amazing day to day was....I am so blessed and thankful for all that I have! Remember to say Thank You....and really spend time reflecting on all of the good things you have in your life....the more energy we put into being thankful and focusing on all the good in our lives...the more you will receive!

    Be blessed~

  171. Do not judge other people for what they do in their lives or how they choose to live them or by the mistakes they have made!

    It sounds like such a simple statement but by judging others you are hurting them, and hurting yourself...and I know it is something that we all do...but I just want to be the reminder to stop~

    Be mindful of what you are thinking and saying...let everyone be responsible for themselves....and let's all be responsible only for ourselves...

    Choose your words carefully as not to hurt someone else!

    Be blessed~

  172. Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower~

    Something to work on~

    Be blessed~
