My story...

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Hi~ My name is Michele! My blog started out being about Reiki, which is energy work, but has evolved into so much more than that. Yes I still do Reiki and it is just one tool that keeps me on my journey to my authentic happy self. Do we every really get to the point where we are finished working on ourselves....well that is a good question but for me the answer is no....I work every day on being the happiest I can possibly be....I remind myself to be thankful for this moment right blog is full on inspirational thoughts to help others on their journey to their authentic happy self! So read and enjoy and never stop working on can't change others but you can change yourself! Be blessed~

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reiki by Michele: Opinions....Isn't it get up feeling gr...

Reiki by Michele: Opinions....Isn't it get up feeling gr...: Opinions....Isn't it get up feeling fix your hair..your makeup...put on your favorite feel fabulous a...


  1. To those of you who have been following my blog I would like to apologize for being away for so long...too much going on...internet problems and a new rebuilt computer are all to blame...then to top it off I misplaced my gmail address so I couldn't log on....but I am back!

    Life has been great lately... I have spent so much time and energy focusing on all the good things in life and letting all the things that stress me and then before you know it those things that cause stress slip out of your life.. and you will be amazed everyday what a difference this makes in your life!

    So start right now this moment and if it causes you stress just release it and the universe will take care of it...only accept good things into your life and that is what you will receive~

    Be blessed and have an amazing day~

  2. Oh how life can change in a moment...everyday when I start my day out I try to remember to be thankful for this day and all that I have...I try to focus on and live in the moment...we all know that all we have is the moment we are living in because life can end at any try to really think about this and be kind to each other....enjoy every moment and remember to be happy....really happy!

    Be blessed~

  3. Wow it has been too long since my last post but I will work on that...I love writing on my blog it helps me to focus on the positive things in life by sharing my thoughts we can all stay focused and on track on this journey we call life.

    Everyday that you take the time to be happy and not let life stress you out you are once step closet to finding your authentic happy self...but always remember that you are a work in progress and never stop working on yourself!

    Be blessed~

  4. It is a crisp fresh morning...keep your thoughts positive to create an amazing are blessed with another day use it wisely....focus on only the good....find something good in every situation today and everyday and your life will transform before your eyes!

    Be blessed~

  5. So what is the one thing in your life that you would like to change? Is it a big thing or a small thing? Actually it really doesn't matter the size of the thing you just have to just have to take that first step to get to where you want to be!

    Most first steps in changing your life come with changing your thoughts...give it a try practice changing your thoughts...when a negative thought pops into your head....shake your head and say to yourself....not I am in control of my thoughts....and then think of something that makes you smile and do this all day everyday....and it will become easier and you will start to see changes in your life!

    Be blessed~

  6. Happy Mother's Day to all of you...remember that your mother is not a perfect person....but she is a person and be nice to her and appreciate all that she does for you! I am so blessed my kids have grown into awesome adults and I am so proud of both of them!

    Being a mother has been the best part of my life and I am so thankful....I wouldn't change one moment of my life...even the hard times because they are what has made me the person I am today and I wouldn't change anything about me at all! Getting to this point took work and I am always a work in progress but I am happy and that is all that I have ever wanted to be! So remember to take time to focus on you take time for you....

    Be blessed~

  7. I was reminded today that we are a work in progress...sometimes we have to re-learn lessons and start fresh again....but you know what that is ok with me....all the learning and lessons I have experienced in my life have made me a better person and if I need to re-learn a lesson or two then so be it!

    So today I am working on some of my own issues and I encourage you to do the same....never stop working on yourself...if you do then you have no one to blame but yourself if your life isn't the way you want it to be....

    Life is a journey...a journey to your authentic happy self....never give up on the journey!

    Be blessed~

  8. Summer is upon us and oh how nice it is.....let this be the summer that you really learn to enjoy your matter what the weather is be happy that you have this day!

    We look at others and think they have it so much better than we do...but remind yourself that everyone everywhere has struggles...our struggles may not be the same but we all have them....enjoy everything about your life right now in this yourself right now just the way you are...and you will find that your days will be so much easier!

    Be blessed~

  9. Something to think often do you step outside of your comfort zone? For me and most people we don't....we do what we always do but today I made the decision to do something that I would never have even thought about doing and guess was fun and in some ways kind of exciting!

    So let that be one of your goals to try new things...put yourself out their and do something that makes you feel good something that others might laugh at but guess what "who cares" is your life and you are the only one you have to please!

    So enjoy your weekend and get a bit crazy and have lots of fun....but always be safe and never harm anyone or anything in your quest for fun!

    Be blessed~

  10. What do you do to find balance in your life? Most of us don't even know what balance is because we just live our lives doing the same thing every day trying to get by....but today is a good day to stop just getting by and really take control of your life!

    We need to have balance in our lives so we can enjoy our days instead of just existing....for me Reiki and now doing Yoga is helping me bring balance into my body and life....just taking time each day to breath and relax will help you to feel more balanced physically and with the rest of your life remember to balance work and fun....don't let life be about working all the time....stop and play with your kids...take a it is that is missing from your life....and before you know it you will have the balance that you need!

    Be blessed~

  11. You can close the windows and darken your room, and you can open the windows and let light in. It is a matter of choice. Your mind is your room. Do you darken it or do you fill it with light?

    Choose to let the light in....

    Be blessed~

  12. Recently my father, who has been on oxygen for years now, decided he was going to take it off and not use it makes me wonder how is he doing it....he seems to be doing better than ok without the the question is....can our mind control our bodies? They say it is possible but it has never worked for me...he was faced with maybe going into assisted living and for him that is a fate worse than in his mind he made the decision to breath without oxygen....and this isn't the first time he has done something like this...years ago he had a mini stroke and he couldn't move his legs...we left the hospital and they were talking about sending him to a nursing home and guess what the next morning when we arrived at the hospital....he was walking!

    So let this be a reminder to us all that we are in control of this body...this one body we get....take care of it....don't wait until you are faced with this kind of it now! I know it has helped me to know what kind of strength our mind has!

    Be blessed~

  13. What do you see when you look in the mirror....we are all so critical of ourselves...I saw a post on FB of an elderly woman in a wheelchair she had a bun on top of her head but her shadow on the wall looked like a got me thinking about how we see ourselves and how we really are.

    There is so much good inside of each of us and if we only could learn to see that I think we would all be so much happier..when you look in the mirror don't let your thoughts go to what you think is your negative....I'm to hair is hair is frizzy...I look tired...I'm to skinny...I'm to short...I'm to tall for each of us it is a different negative self talk but let today be the day you turn that around....focus on your positive not in your external looks but your positive on the inside....we all have good inside us so let's put our thoughts and energy into the positive and you life will begin to change! When you look in the mirror you will see who you really are not what you think you are!

    Be blessed~

  14. Trying to make changes in your life can sometimes seem overwhelming but if you go about it in small pieces the change will not seem so hard and you will have a better chance of getting to where you want to be.

    So no matter what you are wanting to change start small....instead of saying I am going to be Vegan....just try eating less meat and dairy and work your way to completely being vegan....if that is something you want to do...or if you want to lose weight start with losing get the idea!

    Life is constantly changing so start small and you will see big changes down the road!

    Be blessed~

  15. It seems for a while I have had nothing much to add here but I am back...I guess we all need a break sometimes. My goal with my blog is to share positive thoughts with all of you and that is what I will continue to do but I also ant to share other things! I want to do what I can to help each and every person out there on your journey to your authentic happy self!

    We all have different but similar stories to tell...we really are all looking for the same thing in life....I know all I want is to be happy and enjoy every day....but life seems to get in the way so we start to back slide into the negative stress that we call life....but this is a reminder to me and to you that it is worth working towards the positive and I don't think the work really ever ends...when you see someone else who "seems" to have it all...remind yourself that just like you they have problems...struggles...obstacles all the same things that you have....some are faking it and some are really working at it!

    So today choose to work at it...choose to be happy...choose to won't just be perfect but your journey will be so much more fun!

    Be blessed~

  16. It seems like there are just days when you just feel like everything is just a is a sick nagging feeling in your stomach...well at least that is how it feels to me...just about anything can cause this feeling...but what is important is how you react to this feeling....yes it is going to happen so when it does just feel it for a moment and then move on!

    Life is yucky sometimes...well it sure feels like it is but remember it is just a feeling and it will pass....turn your focus to something that just makes you feel better....or have a good cry and then move on!

    It is your are in control of your feelings! So as they say don't happy!

    Be blessed~

  17. I want to share a statement one of my friends made...

    Shine on and stand out....for me this statement first made me think of my hair, which is now a brilliant silver, but my second thought is what a great attitude to have in life....we need to let our light and love shine and it is ok to stand is ok to be who you be the perfect you!

    We look in the mirror and sometimes want to look like someone have the of someone else... then our lives would be perfect....but that is the furthest from the truth and the sooner you really accept and love who YOU are your life will begin to be so much happier...

    And when we are happy with who we are on the inside it will shine on the matter what color your hair is!

    So today remember to SHINE ON AND STAND OUT!

    Be blessed~

  18. Unfortunately my day started by realizing that someone stole our gas tank off our pontoon boat....I was immediately furious...I could actually feel my face getting red and the more I talked about it the madder I got!

    So after a few minutes of venting to my sister I decided to let it does no good to me or my health to get so upset about something so small....yes we will talk to the ranger later today but I will not let this ruin my whole day! I am thankful that I have the means to buy a new one and I choose to think about how much fun we have on the boat! It does no good to wonder and analyze what kind of people would do something like that and why they would do it....we all make choice and our life is a reflection of those choices!

    So today and everyday....make good choices...kindness and respect will make you feel so much better!

    Be blessed~

  19. Life has a way of giving you what you need whether you are ready for it or the next time things don't go like you thought they and say thank you....and find a different plan!

    Most of the time things that happen that seem tragic at the moment are really a blessing in disguise.....when one window closes another one opens!

    Be blessed~

  20. As hard as I try I sometimes slip away from writing on my is just to busy sometimes to do what we that is something I need to work on....I think if we take time everyday to make some time for "us" we will be better to be there for others.

    By doing things for yourself that you love to do you will be happier....and if we are happy we have more happiness to give to others! So for me one thing I love is blogging....this is just one of the ways I love to share positive happy inspiring thoughts! So I am going to work on this....something else I love but do rarely is meditating or just taking quiet time for my that is my second thing I am going to do for me!

    What do you love to do for you....make a list and do it today and tomorrow and everyday....and lets see how we feel!

    Be blessed~

  21. If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations,
    you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal.
    - Norman Vincent Peale

    Paint the picture in you mind of what you want you life to be.....then go out and live it~

    Enjoy each moment...laugh and have fun....and wait for your the picture in your mind and it will happen~

    Be blessed~

  22. As I look out the is a little dark and gloomy....that is my first thought....but then I think to myself I love days like this....days where you can just stay inside and relax. My life, like just like everyone is crazy when I have a day like this I just feel like I can slow down. I am learning the importance of slowing down....if you don't take time to slow down and enjoy the moments each day that is your life you will somehow be reminded that you need this....maybe it will be with an illness...a headache...a backache...a stomachache....oh it will come and it can come in any shape or try everyday to make quiet time for your body & soul to relax and rejuivinate each day!

    Do it for yourself and you will find a better flow in your days~
    I know I am working on this and I already am starting to feel better~

    Be blessed~

  23. Good Morning friends...I want to say thank you to all of you who have followed my blog but this will be my last blog...I will be back one day because I love to write but I am preparing for my last major surgery and I want to focus on myself & my healing~

    For my positive inspirations please join my group on FB by the same name...Not always perfect...but always happy~

    Sending love & light to you all~

    Be blessed~

  24. Here it is Christmas time again...where does the time go? As you look back over the past year would you say your life is the way you want it to be? I would say mine is close but I don't think we ever really are finished making changes and tweeking our is a journey we are constantly growing and changing but one thing I have learned thru all of my health issues what I enjoy and what makes my happy! I sometimes have to ask myself what I really enjoy because I don't even know really....yes I love my kids and grandkids and I love spending time with my amazing husband but that is different from what I like...from what makes me happy...I guess what I am trying to say is if it was just you what would you do...what do you enjoy? Finding out what makes you happy other than your family isn't shouldn't take away from your family but it's ok to take time for just YOU! Maybe this should be the year of self discovery...time to discover YOU!

    Be blessed~

  25. As I lay down and try to fall asleep...sleep just doesn't I sneak out to the living room and grab my lap top on the way. It's Christmas Eve and I am so excited...just like a little kid...but my excitement comes from giving gifts instead of receiving them...funny how we change as we grow older. I get the same feeling from giving as I used to get from receiving and what a great feeling it is. My life is so full of wonderful things I am blessed beyond measure....some may find it hard to believe that I feel this way but I do...completely. It doesn't mean I don't experience life's trials because I most certainly do but I have chosen to deal with things in a completely different way...I let them happen...I feel sad or hurt or whatever negative emotion is called for but then I pick myself up and change my thoughts and by doing this I am on a different day could be ruined by a simple thing but instead I just tweak how I feel and my day improves.
    It isn't always an easy thing to do but I do it every is far to short to stress over every crazy thing that happens on this journey we call feel it and move on!

    Be blessed~
