My story...

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Hi~ My name is Michele! My blog started out being about Reiki, which is energy work, but has evolved into so much more than that. Yes I still do Reiki and it is just one tool that keeps me on my journey to my authentic happy self. Do we every really get to the point where we are finished working on ourselves....well that is a good question but for me the answer is no....I work every day on being the happiest I can possibly be....I remind myself to be thankful for this moment right blog is full on inspirational thoughts to help others on their journey to their authentic happy self! So read and enjoy and never stop working on can't change others but you can change yourself! Be blessed~

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Here it is the middle of winter and I find myself just feeling a little down. It is cold outside with lots of snow that is what winter is...I tell everyone how I get thru winter without getting sad or depressed but this year it just isn't working for me...I wonder why?

Maybe it's my recent surgery...I'm not really sure but I don't like how I have been I started thinking this would be a good time to use what I have learned and start practicing it! I'm going to put my laptop in my office and only get on it once in the morning and once in the evening for me that is a huge thing to do but I need to start focusing on me and my life not surfing the web or chatting on FB...don't get me wrong I love those things but I don't know I just feel like it is stopping me from being my best self right now.

Next on my list of things I know I need to do is start moving more I hope to be released from the doctor to start exercising soon I know that is something that would make me feel better. I think instead of dreading going outside I am going to spend more time outside in the beautiful sunshine.  I don't think there is anything wrong with kind of hibrinating during the winter getting lots of rest...catching up on some of your favorite movies...just taking it easy.  Just sitting quietly and relaxing is not being depressed it is something I need. Even though it sometimes feels like that is where I am heading it is not...if you think you are depressed find someone to help if these things don't work for you.

So do whatever it is that makes it easier for you to get thru gloomy on you and lift your spirits if you can! I know that is what I am working on right is short we have to find something about every day to make us appreciate our lives! They are precious~

Be blessed~

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