My story...

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Hi~ My name is Michele! My blog started out being about Reiki, which is energy work, but has evolved into so much more than that. Yes I still do Reiki and it is just one tool that keeps me on my journey to my authentic happy self. Do we every really get to the point where we are finished working on ourselves....well that is a good question but for me the answer is no....I work every day on being the happiest I can possibly be....I remind myself to be thankful for this moment right blog is full on inspirational thoughts to help others on their journey to their authentic happy self! So read and enjoy and never stop working on can't change others but you can change yourself! Be blessed~

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Love Yourself First~

During my life I have had ups and downs....don't we all? But then one day something happened....not just one thing but many....and I had a shift in how I view my life. I have learned that you have to love yourself first...if you don't make that decision everything just seems kind of blah...but when you decide to love you just the way you are right this very will change! The change will show in so many parts of your life it is really amazing.

By choosing to love yourself and take care of are not letting others down but you are improving yourself so you can be there for them....completely and happily. Taking care of you doesn't mean you should stop taking care of your can do small things for yourself that will make all the difference.

For me the first thing I am learning to do is take care of my body on the inside and getting healthy I feel so much better! Eating good food instead of junk is another thing you can do for yourself and your family...take time to pamper yourself this doesn't mean going somewhere and spending money you can give your self a mani pedi right at home...but if you want to go let someone else do it for you then that works it your way however that is!

I believe that if you stay centered in love ....miracles will happen~

Be blessed~

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