It is such a simple statement but it is so true....every day is a NEW day!
Life is full of ups and downs sometimes it seems like there are more downs than ups but every morning you wake up you have an opportunity to make this day better than the one before.
Every morning you are given a new chance to change your thoughts and attitude and look for the good in every day! Believe me I know there are some days that just don't seem like there is anything good to focus on but believe me when I say there is....sometimes you just might have to look a little harder to find that one thing! Honestly just waking up in the morning is a reason to rejoice~
Those of you who know me personally know I have had many years of health issues and this last time as I was laying in intensive care I was to the point of giving up...I didn't believe in anything at that moment but my daughter reminded me that was wrong....and all it took to get me back on the right path of thinking was for her to say STOP...stop thinking like that. As I look back I find it hard to believe that I was ready to give up on life...on being positive but I remember saying it...I am very blessed to have my daughter to lift me up when I am having a down moment...that's what I hope to achieve her on my blog and on my facebook page!
Remember if you need reminded to look for the good in everyday this is the place to be~
So start right this minute....and look for the thoughts that lift you up and keep you positive! In every situation if you look for will find it!
Be blessed~
My story...
- Not Always Perfect...But Always Happy
- Hi~ My name is Michele! My blog started out being about Reiki, which is energy work, but has evolved into so much more than that. Yes I still do Reiki and it is just one tool that keeps me on my journey to my authentic happy self. Do we every really get to the point where we are finished working on ourselves....well that is a good question but for me the answer is no....I work every day on being the happiest I can possibly be....I remind myself to be thankful for this moment right blog is full on inspirational thoughts to help others on their journey to their authentic happy self! So read and enjoy and never stop working on can't change others but you can change yourself! Be blessed~
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