My story...

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Hi~ My name is Michele! My blog started out being about Reiki, which is energy work, but has evolved into so much more than that. Yes I still do Reiki and it is just one tool that keeps me on my journey to my authentic happy self. Do we every really get to the point where we are finished working on ourselves....well that is a good question but for me the answer is no....I work every day on being the happiest I can possibly be....I remind myself to be thankful for this moment right blog is full on inspirational thoughts to help others on their journey to their authentic happy self! So read and enjoy and never stop working on can't change others but you can change yourself! Be blessed~

Sunday, February 2, 2014

From time to time I am reminded by the simplest of things in life that I need to work on having inner peace in my heart and mind~

Having inner peace does not mean that life is perfect, we all know that life is never perfect, but having inner peace makes life's crazy moments seem bearable. I have been working on being my authentic happy self for several years now and to me one of the most important parts on this journey is having inner peace when the world seems to have gone mad or just on an average day.

This is the definition of inner peace... inner peace refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. ...

So when you have inner will all of a sudden seem less wonderful does that sound. So here are some things you can do...that work for me to find inner peace in every situation. These are what work for me but we are all different but worth giving them a try.

1. Take in a few deep breathes....breathe in peace and breathe out love. This is for me the easiest way to calm myself and remind me to find peace in any instance. Sometimes it is a little harder than others but it always works.
2.  Try to meditate for even a few minutes every day.
3.  When I am driving in my car my favorite thing to do is turn off the music and focus on my positive self talk. I have a list that I go over and over...I am strong...I am happy...I am healthy...My life is perfect just the way it is....Money comes to me easily and frequently..I feel awesome...My body is strong....ok you get the idea these are just a few of mine.  You can make your own list or use some of mine. Plus I have a long list if you need any ideas find me on Facebook and message me I will be glad to share more or help you make your own list.

This is a good start...if you start to add even one of these to your life it will be a good start on your journey to "inner peace" and I don't think it is something that is ever always there...I think it is something that we will always need to work on but will make life so much easier~

Be blessed~

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